Revision history for RT-Extension-ArticleTemplates
1.01 2016-10-21
- Update documentation
1.00 2014-12-16
- Packaging and documentation updates
0.07 2012-12-06
- Fix RT::FM::Article -> RT::Article in the no_index
0.06 2012-12-06
- Generate a README from the pod and don't index RT::Article
0.05 2011-12-07
- Optionally pass in request arguments to the article template
0.04 2011-09-07
- Support for processing subject overrides
0.03 2011-05-20
- Renamed to RT-Extension-ArticleTemplates and made compatible with RT
0.02 2008-09-15
- Update installer.
0.01 2008-05-13
- Initial release.