0.17 2018-10-26
- Add support for Owner as a mandatory field
0.16 2018-09-19
- Don't check permission to get queue name from ticket in RequiredFields
0.15 2017-05-04
- Fix an issue where ticket updates would alter
%CORE_FOR_UPDATE. This prevented status transitions when the config
requires Time Worked and the user has entered a value for Time
0.14 2016-10-14
- Add ability to mark fields as mandatory on queue transitions
0.13 2016-07-14
- Packaging fixes; reinstate latest Module::Install::RTx. Fixes
0.12 2016-07-11
- Packaging improvements
0.11 2016-06-30
- Allow rules to require or restrict specific values on transition
0.10 2016-04-02
- Updates to run on RT 4.4 (tests)
- Fix bug where non-mandatory fields were displayed on update
- Add a new config option if you liked the previously mentioned bug
- Add French translation. Thanks to Emmanuel Lacour
0.09_01 2015-01-29
- Support for Basics and Jumbo (Modify.html and ModifyAll.html)
0.09 2014-09-30
- Further MANIFEST fixes (..sigh)
0.08 2014-09-30
- MANIFEST fixes
0.07 2014-09-30
- Compatibility with RT 4.2
- Bump the minimum version to 4.0.9, to no longer require shipping a patch
- Packaging updates
0.06 2014-02-06
- Packaging updates (don't index ::Test)
0.05 2014-02-06
- Fix a bug, where if no Cfs were listed, then all were treated as
0.04 2013-03-26
- Link to TODO from CAVEATS
- Generate a README for github
0.03 2013-02-27
- Allows mandatory checking during ticket creation
- Mandatory-ness now also applies to the mobile UI
- Move tests to being author-only tests
0.01 2012-07-23
- Initial release