Revision history for RT-Extension-REST2

1.07 2019-05-24
 - Accept 'Content' as a parameter on create. The documentation previously showed
   this in examples, but it wasn't yet supported. Now it works as documented.
 - Remove To and From from Create examples. These were documentation bugs since
   they were not supported via the API. Roles can be set using Requestor, Cc, etc.
 - Reorganize tests for improved development workflow and to avoid spurious
   failures on install.
 - Add syntax for requesting specific fields when fetching data (Thanks Andrew Ruthven (puck)!)

1.06 2019-04-03
 - Add orderby and order support to JSON/TicketSQL searches(Thanks gibus!)

1.05 2018-11-19
 - Add support to manage memberships for users and groups(Thanks gibus!)
 - Add support to enable/disable users and groups(Thanks gibus!)

1.04 2018-07-06
 - Fix bug that caused custom fields to be updated after create

1.03 2018-03-16
 - Add new bulk option for tickets
 - Documentation updates

1.02 2017-12-22
 - Add support for external links on tickets

1.01 2017-11-20
 - Relocate REST2 DB connect to occur after PSGI forks
 - Add cleanup method to resolve DBIx::SearchBuilder processing at request end

1.00 2017-07-20
 - Initial release