Revision history for RT-Extension-RepeatTicket
2.00 2021-04-20
- Add RT 5 Support(RT 4 users need to use 1.* versions)
1.11 2017-11-07
- Correctly display concurrent ticket number of 0
1.10 2015-05-11
- allow to disable Repeat Ticket for some queues
1.00 2014-12-16
- Add a missing WebPath to Original Ticket link
- Improve display on RT 4.2
- Support a lead time of 0 days
- Packaging and documentation updates
0.07 2014-02-13
- Styling on RT 4.2
- Use <label>s to make radio button selection easier
- Fix translation strings to use phrases, not words
0.06 2013-12-11
- Fix copying of RefersTo links on repeated tickets
0.05 2013-10-10
- Updates for RT 4.2
0.04 2013-07-01
- Fixed bug with CFs on repeated tickets
- Added subject format config option
- Move tests to xt
- Add note on supported versions of RT
0.03 2013-03-28
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.