Revision history for Perl module RT::Extension::ResetPassword

1.08 2021-02-08
 - Document new $PasswordChangeLinkExpirySeconds option added previously

1.07 2020-12-17
 - Update styles for RT 5
 - Use SHA256 instead of MD5 to generate the token
 - Store the temporary token in a cookie rather than Referrer header

1.06 [not released]
 - Add new options for creating accounts, setting passwords if a user has none,
   creating users as privileged, and reseting only from the user admin page.

1.05 2020-02-14
 - Update Module::Install so "make initdb" could work in recent perls

1.04 2016-11-01
 - Update ENV reference to use the new RequestENV function

1.03 2015-03-05
 - Fix a "Use of uninitialized value" warning

1.02 2014-09-05
 - Fix the log message for non-existant users

1.01 2014-09-04

1.00 2014-09-03
 - Add a configuration parameter, HidePasswordResetErrors, to not leak
   if the email address is in use/
 - Updated packaging.

0.06 2014-03-10
 - Switch to using a ResetPassword Template rather than a hardcoded message
   Contributed by Christian Loos
 - Added pod abstract (which MetaCPAN,, etc expect to find)
 - Added Changes file, populated from git log comments

0.05 2012-02-07
 - password reset only for user with password
 - don't allow requests for disabled users

0.04 2011-09-19
 - Add a gitignore and move README into lib
 - Update MI::RTx This avoids needing RTHOME or a prompt to install on RT4
 - mention RT4

0.03 2009-06-24
 - First release to CPAN