package RTx::Calendar;

use strict;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Set;

our $VERSION = "1.02";


sub FirstDay {
    my ($year, $month, $matchday) = @_;
    my $set = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
	next => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'day' )->subtract( days => 1 ) }

    my $day = DateTime->new( year => $year, month => $month );

    $day = $set->next($day) while $day->day_of_week != $matchday;


sub LastDay {
    my ($year, $month, $matchday) = @_;
    my $set = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
	next => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'day' )->add( days => 1 ) }

    my $day = DateTime->last_day_of_month( year => $year, month => $month );

    $day = $set->next($day) while $day->day_of_week != $matchday;

# we can't use RT::Date::Date because it uses gmtime
# and we need localtime
sub LocalDate {
  my $ts = shift;
  my ($d,$m,$y) = (localtime($ts))[3..5];
  sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d", ($y + 1900), ++$m, $d;

sub DatesClauses {
    my ($Dates, $begin, $end) = @_;

    my $clauses = "";

    my @DateClauses = map {
	"($_ >= '" . $begin . " 00:00:00' AND $_ <= '" . $end . " 23:59:59')"
    } @$Dates;
    $clauses  .= " AND " . " ( " . join(" OR ", @DateClauses) . " ) "
	if @DateClauses;

    return $clauses

sub FindTickets {
    my ($CurrentUser, $Query, $Dates, $begin, $end) = @_;

    $Query .= DatesClauses($Dates, $begin, $end)
	if $begin and $end;

    my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($CurrentUser);

    my %Tickets;
    my %AlreadySeen;

    while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next()) {

	# How to find the LastContacted date ?
	for my $Date (@$Dates) {
	    my $DateObj = $Date . "Obj";
	    push @{ $Tickets{ LocalDate($Ticket->$DateObj->Unix) } }, $Ticket
		# if reminder, check it's refering to a ticket
		unless ($Ticket->Type eq 'reminder' and not $Ticket->RefersTo->First)
		    or $AlreadySeen{  LocalDate($Ticket->$DateObj->Unix) }{ $Ticket }++;
    return %Tickets;

# Take a user object and return the search with Description "calendar" if it exists
sub SearchDefaultCalendar {
    my $CurrentUser = shift;
    my $Description = "calendar";

    # I'm quite sure the loop isn't usefull but...
    my @Objects = $CurrentUser->UserObj;
    for my $object (@Objects) {
	next unless ref($object) eq 'RT::User' && $object->id == $CurrentUser->Id;
	my @searches = $object->Attributes->Named('SavedSearch');
	for my $search (@searches) {
	    next if ($search->SubValue('SearchType')
			 && $search->SubValue('SearchType') ne 'Ticket');

	    return $search
		if "calendar" eq $search->Description;



=head1 NAME

RTx::Calendar - Calendar for RT due dates


This RT extension provides a calendar view for your tickets and your
reminders so you see when is your next due ticket. You can find it in
ticket search sub navigation menu.

Date fields in the search results are displayed/used in the calendar,
for example if you have a ticket with a due date, it won't be displayed on
that date unless the Due field is included in the search result format.

There's a portlet to put on your home page (see Prefs/MyRT.html), see the
CONFIGURATION section below for details on adding it.


Works with RT 4.2, 4.4, 5.0



=item C<perl Makefile.PL>

=item C<make>

=item C<make install>

May need root permissions

=item patch RT

Apply for versions prior to 4.4.2:

    patch -p1 -d /path/to/rt < etc/tabs_privileged_callback.patch

=item Edit your F</opt/rt5/etc/>

Add this line:


=item Clear your mason cache

    rm -rf /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/obj

=item Restart your webserver



=head2 Base configuration

To use the C<MyCalendar> portlet, you must add C<MyCalendar> to
C<$HomepageComponents> in F<etc/>:

  Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyCalendar
     MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);

=head2 Display configuration

You can show the owner in each day box by adding this line to your

    Set($CalendarDisplayOwner, 1);

You can change which fields show up in the popup display when you
mouse over a date in F<etc/>:

    Set(@CalendarPopupFields, ('Status', 'OwnerObj->Name', 'DueObj->ISO'));

=head1 USAGE

A small help section is available in /Search/Calendar.html

=head1 AUTHOR

Best Practical Solutions, LLC E<lt>modules@bestpractical.comE<gt>

Originally written by Nicolas Chuche E<lt>nchuche@barna.beE<gt>

=head1 BUGS

All bugs should be reported via email to


or via the web at



This software is Copyright (c) 2010-2020 by Best Practical Solutions

Copyright 2007-2009 by Nicolas Chuche

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
