#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Test::More; use Finance::Quote; if (not $ENV{ONLINE_TEST}) { plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{ONLINE_TEST} to run this test'; } # Test IndiaMutual functions. my $q = Finance::Quote->new(); my @funds = ("102676", "103131", "148181", "INF194K01W88", "INF090I01FN7", "INF082J01127"); my $year = (localtime())[5] + 1900; my $lastyear = $year - 1; plan tests => 6*@funds + 2; my %quotes = $q->fetch("indiamutual", @funds); ok(%quotes); # Check that the name and nav are defined for all of the funds. foreach my $fund (@funds) { ok($quotes{$fund,"nav"} > 0); ok(length($quotes{$fund,"name"})); ok($quotes{$fund,"success"}); ok($quotes{$fund, "currency"} eq "INR"); ok(substr($quotes{$fund,"isodate"},0,4) == $year || substr($quotes{$fund,"isodate"},0,4) == $lastyear); ok(substr($quotes{$fund,"date"},6,4) == $year || substr($quotes{$fund,"date"},6,4) == $lastyear); } # Check that a bogus fund returns no-success. %quotes = $q->fetch("indiamutual", "BOGUS"); ok(! $quotes{"BOGUS","success"});