Welcome to Finance::Quote
Maintained by: Paul Fenwick <pjf@cpan.org>
               Erik Colson <eco@ecocode.net>
               Bruce Schuck <bschuck@asgard-systems.com>

What does Finance::Quote provide?
Finance::Quote provides access to time-delayed stockquotes from a
number of sources. After you've installed the pacakage, try
'perldoc Finance::Quote' for full information. Alternatively,
you can 'perldoc lib/Finance/Quote.pm' before the install.

How do I install this package?
If you downloaded the Finance-Quote-N.NN.tar.gz tarball from CPAN
(N.NN is the version number, ex: Finance-Quote-1.50.tar.gz),
run the following commands:

  tar xzf Finance-Quote-1.50.tar.gz
  cd Finance-Quote-1.50.tar.gz
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

If you have the CPAN module installed:
Using cpanm (Requires App::cpanminus)

  cpanm Finance::Quote

or Using CPAN shell

  perl -MCPAN -e shell
  install Finance::Quote

I've found a bug / written a patch / have an idea. What do I do?
Well, you could always mail it to <finance-quote-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>,
which is read by all the active developers. Preferably, you
might wish to visit
<https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote> to report issues or
<https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/pulls> to view or
create a pull request.
The CPAN bug tracker at
<http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Finance-Quote> is not
actively monitored.

How do I download the most recent copy of Finance::Quote?
You can find all releases of Finance::Quote at:

You might also wish to consider subscribing to finance-quote-news,
which can be done from: <http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=4232>.

How can I get a copy of the current CVS development tree?
You can't. The CVS repo has been ported to GIT as of version 1.13_01.

How can I get a copy of the current GIT development tree?
The GIT repository is available at:

Where can I find more information?
Try the Finance::Quote webpage. There are lots of goodies there.