0.19        13/Dec/2011
            You can specify 'columns' in the models file now. Any columns listed in there will have accessors set up for them in the Result class.
            Now, you can even add a DateTime attribute to a specific column or columns. When you do this the result will be in the form of a DateTime object, if possible.

0.18        06/Dec/2011
            Fixed problem where you could not have a relationships and resultsets in the same model file.
            Added option 'model' to config file to "reuse" a models connection inside the same config.

0.16        02/Dec/2011
            Added 'related' option to config file.

0.15        02/Dec/2011
            Altered 'model' to let you add a resultset to the models file. Just use 'resultset: YourTableName' and it will automatically load it for you.
            This will also be in the documentation, too.

0.14        02/Dec/2011
            Hopefully fixed broken test. Changed the test module to Test::Lite.
            I honestly hope this doesn't screw anyone over, but table is now, again, resultset (Won't happen again. Promise).

0.13        22/Nov/2011
            Added the 'search_join' resultset method. Check out L<DBIx::Inline::ResultSet> for more information

0.12        22/Nov/2011
            Sorry about the major change, but the Schema method 'resultset' has been changed to 'table'.
            I do apologize, but I couldn't live with it anymore.. it was a TABLE not a ResultSet.. argh.

0.11        22/Nov/2011
            Added sqlite method to main class. Now you can open a SQLite file 
            without having to go through a model or dbi strings.