Revision history for Goose

0.011   07/Dec/2011
        Adding Antlers to a class, then calling $Class->new(name => 'World') for example will create a read-writable accessor called 'name' with a default value of 'World'

0.010   06/Dec/2011
        To limit the number of import attributes I've moved :Try into :Utils. So if you want to use Try::Tiny, use import :Utils, which also includes some 
            other handy stuff. Check out the documentation if you'd like more information.
        Honestly, I hate having underscores in my method names. drop_sub has been replaced by 'withdraw'. I figured simply 'drop' might be severe namespace polution in some instances.
        Added 'speak' method to Goose/Utils. I really need to add some documentation in this module..

0.009   06/Dec/2011
        Testing is fixed. Huzzah! Added Try::Tiny to Makefile.PL as Goose can now import 'try' and 'catch' with the import attribute ':Try'.

0.008   02/Dec/2011
        Sorry. Massive problems with testing...

0.007   02/Dec/2011
        Small change to the Makefile.PL to use the newest version of Test::Lite. These was a problem with the previous version.

0.006   30/Nov/2011
        Started new module within Goose called Goose::Utils. Its methods can be accessed by importing ':Utils' within Goose.
        Usage information can be found in the Goose documentation.

0.005   30/Nov/2011
        A few people decided :Class was becoming redundant with the new :Antlers import (myself included). Because of this, :Class has been replaced by :Antlers and 
        'accessor' will be replaced by 'has'. This means less typing, because if you're using :Class there's a good chance you may want 'has', too. But to use them both 
        you'd need to use qw/:Class :Antlers/, now you can just ':Antlers'. Wee!

0.004   29/Nov/2011
        $Class->sub_run can now run multiple subroutines with arguments. Please see documentation for more information.

0.003   29/Nov/2011
        Added import feature :Antlers. Use this to export the 'has' method. Currently only supports 'is' and 'default'.
            use Goose qw/:Antlers/;
            has => x ( is => 'ro', default => 7 );

0.002   24/Nov/2011
        Very minor change, but important if you use exports. The exported subroutine was coming from instead of your current module.
        This has now been fixed. 

0.001   23/Nov/2011
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.