Revision history for Net-Braintree

0.3.2   11/15/2011
        Increases compatibility with versions of Perl prior to 5.10
0.3.1   11/03/2011
        Removed embedded perl5
        Aliased $transaction->credit_card_details to $transaction->credit_card
0.3.0   10/07/2011
        Added ability to retrieve all Plans, AddOns, and Discounts
        Added Transaction cloning
0.2.0   8/24/2011
        Added SettlementBatchSummary
0.1.3   8/15/2011
        Point release to ensure strict pragma is always used.
0.1.2   8/15/2011
        Point release to not ship 3rd party dependencies.
0.1.1   8/15/2011
        Point release to fix packaging of CPAN module.
0.1.0   8/15/2011
        First version, allows for connectivity to the braintree payment processing API with all functionality except search.