Revision history for Perl module Math::NoCarry

1.116 2025-01-05T10:36:36Z
	* refresh distro and move to BRIANDFOY

1.115 2024-01-28T09:09:07Z
	* refresh distro, update email address

1.114 2022-01-08T22:38:06Z
	* No code changes. Fix a link in README.pod.

1.113 2021-01-13T06:22:25Z
	* freshen distro, remove Travis CI, use Github Actions

1.112 2018-05-24T14:14:51Z
	* Change to Artistic License 2.0

1.111 2016-01-27T20:21:05Z
	* Freshen distro, remove prereq.t test

1.11 - 2007-12-09
	* Now all the functions are exportable on demand.
	* Distro requires 5.006, although it probably stills works on
	earlier versions. I'm not actively supporting those though.

1.10 - 2007-01-09
	* updated copyright and license info
	* no code changes, so no need to upgrade

1.09 - 2006-05-18
	* Updates to distro and kwalitee. No need to upgrade.

1.08 - 2005-03-11
	* Updated docs for POD coverage tests
	* No code changes, but the docs for subtract() are labelled
	correctly now.

1.07 - 2004-11-17
	* no changes

1.07 - 2004-10-08
	* no feature changes: added strictures and removed unreachable statement

1.06 - 2004-09-08
	* cleaned up the distro and the docs
	* no code changes, no need to upgrade

0.01 - 2002-06-25
	* original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AXn Math::NoCarry