Revision history for Perl module Test::Output
1.035 2025-01-03T06:45:21Z
* distro refresh and move to BRIANDFOY
1.034 2023-07-05T14:46:18Z
* Remove unnecessary -T from pod tests. Now that v5.38 allows you
to compile without taint support and those perls won't run if
they see a -T, these tests needlessly fail there.
* Edward Betts corrected some of the docs.
1.033 2021-02-11T00:21:54Z
* v1.032 had some regressions because I released 1.031 from an
unmerged branch.
This was noticed by Tina Müller in
* I didn't realize that I'd released an experiment in 2017, but
no own complained until it was reverted (by releasing from master).
The experiment worked I guess? Sub::Exporter is gone, so the
dependency tree for this is greatly reduced, and now it's gone
1.032 2021-01-28T22:15:07Z
* Fix cut-n-paste error in docs (Github #6, hexcoder)
1.031 2017-03-29T21:30:57Z
* Get rid of Sub::Exporter. That module has nice features that this
module doesn't use and the prereq is causing problems with CPAN
Testers. CPAN Grep didn't show anyone using advanced features for
1.03 - 2014-01-03
* Get rid of MYMETA
1.02 - 2013-07-08
* Bump to stable release
1.01_02 - 2012-07-19
* Remove the ::Tie stuff. It should be fully Capture::Tiny
1.01_01 - 2012-05-14
* David Golden re-did everything with Capture::Tiny
to get around the odd output paths that we couldn't
handle with a tie.
1.01 - 2011-04-22
* Bump to a full release. This fixes the tests that failed
in the new 5.14 regex stringification
0.16_03 - 2010-10-25
* Fix cat-o with handling $,
0.16_02 - 2010-10-19
* Update tests with hardcoded regex stringification for
Perl's new (?^:) stuff
0.16_01 - 2009-06-09
* Added META_MERGE features from chorny
0.13 - 2009-03-08
* brian d foy ( is the new maintainer
* Updated docs for source code location, license, etc
0.12 - 2008-10-25
* Repacking to remove OS X extended attribute files that were causing tests to fail.
0.11 2008-21-10
* Fixes for STDERR handling under Perl 5.6. Thanks to
brian d foy for the patch with tests.
0.10 2005-18-07
* Migrated from Exporter to Sub::Exporter
0.09 2005-09-11
* New version of Test::Tester added a depth test which was causing
tests to fail. Thanks to neildp for the patch.
* Fixed warning messages during perl Makefile.PL caused by Test::Tester
not being loaded first.
0.08 2005-19-07
* Suppressed most warnings caused by newer versions of Test::Tester
0.07 2005-26-03
* Added methods: combined_is, combined_isnt, combined_like and
combined_unlike. This combine STDOUT and STDERR into one
filehandle and capture their output for testing.
0.06 2005-07-03
* Applied patch from David Wheeler to support code blocks within
tests as well as coderefs.
0.05 2005-04-03
* Added chromatic's patch fixing diag messages printing even when
tests pass.
* Updated stdout_unlike.t to test for success.
* Updated all tests for successful tests to include diag => ''.
0.04 2005-02-03
* Added methods: output_like, output_unlike
* Moved output_from stdout_from and stderr_from out of @EXPORT
and into @EXPORT_OK.
* Reworked diag messages for output_is and output_isnt to only show
the output that doesn't match.
* replaced "comment" with "description"
* More tests
* Much refactoring
0.03 2005-16-02
* Reworked entire POD. Thanks to rjbs for his suggestions.
* Additional POD fixes (date to data thanks to everyone who caught
* New methods: stderr_like, stderr_unlike, stdout_like, stdout_unlike
* Updated README from the default one created by Module::Starter.
* Moved private methods _err,_out, and _errandout to stderr_from
stdout_from and output_from respectively. Allowing access from
the test file. Thanks to rjbs for this suggestion.
0.02 2005-12-02
* New methods: output_isnt, stderr_inst, stdout_isnt
* Removed requirement for Filehandle
* Removed errant leftover Test::Builder::Tester::Color from tests
* Migrated all tests to Test::Tester (Test::Tester now a prereq)
0.01 2005-12-02
* First version, released on an unsuspecting world.