Revision history for perl module CPAN::Changes

0.07 2011-03-03

  - Wrap version parsing in eval()

0.06 2011-02-15

  - Add proper version sorting via

  - Update dist manifest to include tests missing from previous releases

0.05 2011-02-13

  - Attempt to squash warnings for undefined dates and add rudimentary
    version sorting when dates are equal

  - Add support for a "next version" token (Yanick Champoux)

  - Proper definition of whitespace between version and date
    (Fixes RT #65678)

0.04 2011-02-10

  - Remove done_testing() from a test.

0.03 2011-02-10

  - Allow more than one space between the version and the date. The spec
    allowed for this, but the parser did not. (Dave Rolsky)

  - Handle the case where there is no space before the change marker
    correctly. (Dave Rolsky)

0.02 2011-02-08

 - Make tests compatible with Test::More that ships with perl 5.10.0
   (Fixes RT #65543)

0.01 2011-02-02

 - Initial release