Revision history for Perl extension WebService::Solr.
0.13 2011-05-05
- Replace XML::Generator with XML::Easy and de-mooseify the Document and
Field classes to help speed up (about 3x) document creation and
0.12 2011-04-12
- Clean up docs in relation to autocommit
- Handle blessed field values (Dan Brook)
0.11 2010-10-27
- Add a note about enabling Keep-Alive connections (Stijn Prompers)
- Add field_names method to Document (Cory Watson, Craig Hall)
0.10 2010-03-17
- Add spellcheck() convenience method to Response object
- Fix exception when response contained no documents
0.09 2009-12-04
- Return undef in pager/pageset special case when we explicitly return 0
- Add rollback() from Solr 1.4
- Add generic delete() from Solr 1.4
- Update docs to match Solr 1.4 options
- Fix ping() to check only the HTTP status
0.08 2009-10-14
- Allow scalar ref value in WebService::Solr::Query, which works like
SQL::Abstract (literal query)
- Fix status_message and status_code in Response
- Add Data::Pageset capabilities to Response (Jos Boumans)
- Ensure compatibility with older versions of Encode by making sure we
pass a string to encode() (Gert Brinkmann)
0.07 2009-06-26
- Trap JSON::XS exceptions (Jos Boumans)
- Provide an abstract query generator: WebService::Solr::Query (Jos
Boumans, Brian Cassidy)
0.06 2009-05-07
- Add auto_suggest to hit the new Solr 1.4 /autoSuggest API (RT #45798)
- Refactor a basic GET request into its own public method
0.05 2009-04-13
- Confess upon HTTP error (Leon Brocard)
- Send UTF-8 requests to keep new LWP happy (Leon Brocard)
0.04 2009-03-02
- add make_immutable to
- be paranoid about XML escaping (Gert Brinkmann)
0.03 2009-01-15
- fix typo (Thanks cog)
- pod fixes
- try to work around old LWP versions when setting HTTP headers
- require URI >= 1.28
- require XML::Generator >= 0.94
0.02 2008-10-09
- fix pager creation, missing prereq
- add a simple facet_counts() shortcut method
0.01 2008-10-07
- original version;