Revision history for Win32::Console::DotNet

0.4.1   2024-07-29
        - Bugfix ResizeTest() in
        - Bugfix ReadKey #6 Return value

0.4     2024-07-28
        - Add ConsoleColor and ConsoleKey constants
        - Add ConsoleKeyInfo Object
        - Add In/Out/Error support of various Code Page Identifiers
        - Add/Change Examples, Tests
        - Update Read() flush on input after receiving eof
        - Change DebugOutputTextWriter to IO::DebugOutputTextWriter

0.3.2   2024-07-28
        - Bugfix SetWindowSize/SetWindowPosition set incorrect attributes
        - Bugfix ReadKey meaning of KeyDown event
        - Bugfix ReadKey dies if the event type is not KEY_EVENT or MOUSE_EVENT
        - Bugfix Readline does not return undef for eof

0.3.1   2024-07-05
        - Bugfix Beep, ReadKey, ReadLine
        - Update Pod/Doc

0.3     2024-07-03
        - Add lock for the use in threads
        - Add Use of IO::Handle
        - Add RessourceStrings for exceptions

0.2.1   2024-06-25
        - Bugfix of GetBufferInfo()
        - Bugfix of some test cases

0.2     2024-02-26
        - Change from 'Moo' to 'Class::Tiny::Antlers'
        - Change from 'namespace::autoclean' to 'namespace::sweep'
        - Add use of 'Type::Nano'
        - Remove some dependencies

0.1     2024-02-18
        - First release.