Revision history for Perl extension Text::VCardFast.

0.04  2014-06-28
	- hash2vcard - don't modify input hash while generating output
	- handle \n split over a line wrap, i.e. "line 1\\\n nline2"
	  becomes "line 1\nline2"

0.03  2014-02-13
	- breaking API change: params are a hash, not a hashref
	- checks is_utf8 flag and passes it down, so output is only UTF8
	  if the input was.  This should allow arbitrary encodings to work.
	- add documentation
	- faster buffer implementation (taken from recent Cyrus optimisation)

0.02  2014-01-10
	- group support for VCard - entry name will have
	  name "bar" and group "foo".
	- multival key 'values' rather than 'value'

0.01  2014-01-08
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -n Text::VCardFast