Revision history for Perl extension Filter::Include.

1.3 Fri Sep  5 16:15:09 BST 2003
  * recursively processes the 'include' directive
  * moved over to Module::Build, hurrah!

1.2 Mon Aug  4 12:19:12 BST 2003

  * Fixed 2 bugs - forgot to "reverse" "@dirs" in "find_module_file" and
    "_isfh" now checks if an object can "getlines" (not "can" which is silly).

1.1 Wed Jul 30 16:15:55 BST 2003

  * Upgraded to a more respectable version number and added a more robust check
    for the existence of a filehandle.
  * Added tests for the coderef-type magic in @INC when performing a bareword
  * Added Changes section in POD.

0.1  Tue Jul 29 09:40:55 2003
    * original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
      -AX -v 0.1 Filter::Include
    * Initial release.