Revision history for Perl extension Form::Tiny.

2.04 Sat Jan 22 20:00:00 2022
	- added plugins system: standarized way of extending the module
	- new import parameter: plugins => []
	- subroutine parameters are now consistent by default
	- -consistent import flag is now a no-op
	- resolve the rest of pending deprecations
	- all symbols imported by Form::Tiny or before it is imported are now cleaned from the namespace
	- form inheritance now properly transfers meta roles (still experimental though)

2.03 Sat Oct 23 02:00:00 2021
	- new import flag: -consistent
	- subroutine parameters are now consistent across the system with -consistent flag
	- deprecate forms without -consistent flag (transition period)
	- deprecate Error::DoesNotExist in favor of Error::Required
	- improved default built in error messages
	- new DSL keyword: form_message - configures built in error messages
	- new method: errors_hash - error messages keyed by field name
	- minor improvement: keep dynamic field data throughout validation
	- minor improvement: check whether error field name exists in form
	- new documentation: Manual::Cookbook
	- new documentation: Manual::Performance

2.02 Sat Sep 18 16:00:00 2021
	- new feature: additional field validators
	- deprecate three parameter field filter
	- deprecate Form::Tiny::Filter 'field' property
	- fix and document Corinna compatibility

2.01 Fri May 28 18:00:00 2021
	- new feature: field filters
	- new feature: after_error hook
	- bugfix: remove dclone on input - see Form::Tiny::Manual::Compatibility
	- minor bugfixes
	- improved documentation, examples and test cases

2.00  Sun May 23 23:00:00 2021
	- module rewrite to form metaobject model
	- see Form::Tiny::Manual::Compatibility for a list of incompatible changes

1.14  Wed May 19 21:00:00 2021
	- add module rewrite alert: see Form::Tiny documentation

1.13  Sat May 15 23:00:00 2021
	- improve documentation
	- move documentation on bare-bones to Manual::Internals
	- fix distribution metadata

1.12  Wed Jan 6 20:00:00 2021
	- form_field now accepts coderefs
	- add default value configuration for form fields
	- field coercions now eval errors and add them as form errors
	- build_fields sub is now optional

1.11  Tue Jan 5 14:00:00 2021
	- fix broken release

1.10  Tue Jan 5 13:00:00 2021
	- add syntactic sugar mode with -flag import
	- improve documentation

1.01  Mon Sep 28 19:00:00 2020
	- fix Type::Tiny dependency minimum version
	- fix and improve documentation

1.00  Sun Sep 27 22:00:00 2020
	- first version