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Revision history for Kelp
2.19 - 2024-10-10
[New Interface]
- Added middleware_obj attribute to Kelp
- Added NEXT_APP method to Kelp
- Added psgi_middleware attribute to Kelp::Routes::Pattern
- Middleware building is now done using Kelp::Middleware, making it easier to customize
- Kelp now uses a dynamic PSGI execution chain, allowing adding PSGI middlewares at route level
- Fixed trailing slash bridges not applying for deeper paths (broken in 2.18)
2.18 - 2024-10-08
[New Interface]
- Added after_unrendered hook to Kelp
- Added order attribute and compare method to Kelp::Routes::Pattern
- Fixed bridge without trailing slash being used for longer routes on the same level
* bridge /admin will now work for /admin and /admin/x, but not for /admins
- Hooks are now run conditionally on controller objects and fall back to main app object
- Module should now report errors with more useful locations
2.17 - 2024-07-06
- Fixed psgi routes not working with custom controllers
- Documentation improvements
2.16 - 2024-07-05
[New Interface]
- Added context_obj attribute to Kelp
- Added build_context method to Kelp
- Added build_controller method to Kelp::Context
[New Documentation]
- Kelp::Context package is now documented
- Kelp::Manual::Controllers has a new section: 'Use different method than reblessing'
- Fixed incorrect before_finalize class if last handler to execute did not belong to a controller
- Clarify that new_anon will not be removed, but rather use different implementation method in the future
2.15 - 2024-07-03
- Kelp's req and res attributes were moved to Context and are now just facade methods
- Added persistent_controllers config, which makes the system keep the reblessed instances
- new_anon method of Kelp is now deprecated due to incompatibilities with controllers
2.14 - 2024-07-02
- Fixed config files having incorrect line endings on Windows due to raw slurp
- Fixed generation templates not handling UTF8 correctly
- Minimum version of Test::Deep was bumped to avoid Test::Deep::NoTest issue in tests
2.13 - 2024-07-01
[New Interface]
- Kelp::Base can now be imported with -attr
- Added content_type_is method to Kelp::Request
- Added a couple of is_* methods to Kelp::Request to match Kelp::Response's interface
* is_text, is_html and is_xml have been added
- Added merge to Kelp::Util, which implements the merge algorithm used by config
- Kelp::Base no longer imports namespace::autoclean with -strict
- Fixed camelizing of controller names if they don't contain a hash sign
- Fixed config loading Test::Builder through Test::Deep - now uses Test::Deep::NoTest
2.12 - 2024-06-26
- Kelp::Exception->throw now also works on objects (rethrows an exception)
- Fixed installed config method not returning the default value
- Fixed Kelp::Test being sensitive to utf8 configuration of the JSON encoder
- Config module now allows overriding of the config merging routine
2.11 - 2024-06-25
[New Interface]
- Added a second optional argument to set_content_type in Response, which sets charset
- Fixed incorrect reading of filehandles passed to template
- Fixed load_package from Kelp::Util failing if package is loaded and not in a file matching its name
- It is now easier to customize Kelp::Response render behavior
- Added a cookbook example of extending request and response to automatically handle YAML
2.10 - 2024-06-24
[New Interface]
- PSGI-compatible applications can now be mounted directly by using 'psgi' route flag
- Added a bunch of new methods with suffix '_param' to Kelp::Request, which work like 'param' but fetch from specific place
- Added charset, charset_decode methods to Kelp::Request
- Added charset, charset_encode methods to Kelp::Response
- Added is_production, get_encoder methods and request_charset, encoder_modules, context attributes to Kelp
- Added Kelp::Module::Encoder, a base class for encoders (like JSON, to be used by the new get_encoder method)
- Added adapt_psgi, effective_charset, charset_encode, charset_decode, load_package functions to Kelp::Util
- Added a third, optional argument to camelize in Kelp::Util
- Fixed Route destination getting executed if a response was already rendered by a previous one
* Rendering a response in a bridge will work the same as if the bridge returned a false value
* If more than one normal routes were matched, they will be run until one of them renders or returns a defined value
* Delayed responses will no longer override a previously rendered normal response
* The destination will still be run if the render happened inside 'before_dispatch' hook
- Response 'render' method will now assume you passed a json-encoded string if content type is json and body is not a reference
* The json string will still get its charset encoded, so the encoder should be utf8-disabled
- Kelp now tracks its context via 'context' attribute
* App will now rememeber if it was reblessed and will only rebless once into given controller per request
* This fixes before_finalize not working when reimplemented inside a controller
* This also improves performance if a lot of bridges are defined as methods inside a controller
- Fixed Kelp attribute 'charset' being readonly (was documented as read/write)
- Fixed template bugs:
* templates named '0' are now getting properly rendered
* template is now correctly providing an 'app' object by default, with the correct rebless context
* template now correctly rewinds a filehandle after reading from it, allowing reuse
- Fixed ::Null modules containing testing behavior - now they really do nothing
- Repeatedly fetching parameters from json request with the param method is now much faster
- Kelp::Module::Logger now sorts keys in Data::Dumper output
- Kelp can now be debugged using KELP_DEBUG environmental variable
- Performance of accessors and request/response building was improved
- 'Kelp' script has been renamed to 'kelp-generator' and documented
- Documentation was vastly improved
- Request data will now be properly decoded using either charset from Content-Type or request_charset
* Request body parameters and content are automatically decoded
* Path and query is automatically decoded, but always uses request_charset
* Headers, cookies and sessions are unaffected (session encoding must be configured at the middleware level)
* Explicitly setting request_charset to undef will disable all automatic decoding
* Please use methods with prefix 'raw_' from Kelp::Request to access undecoded request data if needed
* Not decoding input was a bug which needed to be fixed (the response was already being encoded correctly, so double encoding could happen)
- Calling json and xml from Kelp::Response now also sets the charset in Content-Type header
- Framework now internally uses a UTF8-disabled JSON encoder
* The extra encoder will be created with the same options as the normal one, but without utf8
* It will no longer react to runtime changes in config of the main encoder
* Application will now encode the JSON response manually using proper charset
- Methods with prefix 'raw_' were added to Kelp::Request, returning undecoded request data (see "Bug fixes" below)
- Added log_format, date_format configuration values to Kelp::Module::Logger
- Added stdout configuration value to Kelp::Module::Logger::Simple
- Added default_modes attribute and an optional argument for 'get' which will be the default value returned to Module::Config
- Kelp::Module::Config method 'get' never croaks if the config value was not set at all
- Application can be now configured to do no encoding of responses by setting 'charset' to undef
- Application now has a second charset configuration used for requests: request_charset
- Fixed Kelp::Module::Config::Less using the same reference for middleware and modules
- Kelp::Test no longer uses HTTP::Cookies, implements a much slimmer cookie jar with the same interface
* The new cookie jar only stores key/value pairs without any special data for cookies like domains, paths or expiration dates
- Kelp::Test now has a new import flag: '-utf8'
* Importing with this flag will automatically set Test::More to encode wide characters on output
- Added charset attribute to Kelp::Test
- Added full_content_type_is and content_bytes_are methods to Kelp::Test
- Scalar context behavior of the param method called without arguments on json request is now deprecated
* This is done in effort to make param method easier to use and harder to misuse
[Backward-Incompatible Changes]
- Application now tries to decode request data - see [Encoding]
- Routes no longer allow regex unless the pattern is a Regexp object (qr//)
* This was a result of a bug - they were never documented to support regex and would not build correctly with it
* Any non-placeholder regex syntax is now correctly quoted and matched as text
* This fix helps to avoid bugs which may cause serious issues, like pattern '/index.html' matching '/index/html'
- Kelp::Exception no longer renders its body attribute, but instead logs it if it is present
* Throwing Kelp::Exception now produces error template or plaintext response with proper HTTP status string
* Log will happen at 'error' level, while regular errors are going to 'critical'
* Status 500 exceptions will behave the same as errors - print their body on non-production
* Rendering the body was dangerous as it could leak internal data if misused
- Application main handler now clears all headers when an error or exception is caught
* This fixes a class of bugs where content encoding of the error page was mismatching the rendered error
- 'kelp' template has been adjusted to match framework looks
- Added a homepage on GitHub
- Kelp now has a logo
- Kelp is now developed by the Kelp-framework organization on GitHub
2.00 - 2024-06-10
[New Features]
- Added a return value to 'add' method from Kelp::Routes,
* it can be used to call add again, adding a child and making the parent a bridge
- Added new placeholder to routes: >slurpy (a mix of optional + wildcard)
- Added before_dispatch hook in Kelp
- Added Kelp::Util, which contains some general utilities (previously as private code in Kelp::Routes)
- Added has_name and dest methods to Kelp::Routes::Pattern
- Kelp::Generator has a new filename shortcut: DOT (dotfiles support)
- Kelp::Routes module overhaul
* Handles reblessing the app into a controller class by itself, with rebless => 1
* Kelp::Routes::Controller is no longer required, but will be kept for backward compatibility
* Resolves all of its checks at application build time (not during the request dispatching)
* Does stricter validation of routing configuration
* Route building errors can now be turned into exceptions (rather than just being skipped), with fatal => 1
* Easier to subclass due to new overridable methods: format_to and load_destination
* More performant at runtime, especially for deeply nested trees with many bridges
- Removed safe_param configuration field, since param method is now safe by default
- Improved the quality of configuration generated by the 'kelp' template
[Backward-Incompatible Changes]
- Disable unsafe param calls (cgi_param may be used instead if necessary)
- Routes with invalid destinations will no longer be added and yield HTTP status 404 instead of 500
- Some specific extensions of Kelp::Routes may no longer work correctly due to stricter build-time route checks
[Bug fixes]
- Instances created with new_anon now have correct default 'base' for routes
- Fixed bridge behavior in some cases by removing duplicated slashes from non-regex pattern
- Fixed unnamed wildcard not being honored in non-regex patterns as documented
- Fixed ?placeholder possibly matching other routes, for example '/not/?here' matching '/nothing'
- Fixed *placeholder not honoring rules from checks while matching a pattern
- Optional capture groups in custom-regex routes no longer produce a warning when not matched
- Kelp::Generator now ignores empty lines in index files
- Added an example script for benchmarking router matching and dispatching speeds in ex/
1.07 - 2024-06-02
- Kelp::Routes now uses a dedicated method to build a pattern object
1.06 - 2022-05-09
- Removed broken homepage link
1.05 - 2021-01-21
[New Features]
- Added HTTP exceptions through Kelp::Exception
[New Documentation]
- Added Kelp::Generator
- Kelp::Module::JSON now uses JSON::MaybeXS
- POD fixes and improvements
1.04 - 2021-01-18
[New Features]
- Added new_anon constructor, allowing for multiple instances of an app
- Added safe_param configuration - see Kelp::Request::param
- Added Kelp::Generator, allowing for pluggable generation templates and custom generation scripts
- Rewrote the CLI script using Kelp::Generator
- Added a welcome HTML page to generated application listing registered routes and config
[New Documentation]
- Cookbook: template layouts
- Cookbook: deploying
- List context Kelp::Request::param call with parameter now is deprecated without safe_param
- Kelp::Module::JSON will now prefer Cpanel::JSON::XS before other options
- Kelp script now requires --type=less for a Kelp::Less app, instead of --less
- All of Kelp file slurping is now done using Path::Tiny
- POD fixes and improvements
[Bug fixes]
- exception thrown during response JSON encoding with no explicit content_type will now show correct error cause
1.03 - 2021-01-11
[New Features]
- Kelp::Request now holds the name of a route
- Kelp script can now use tabs for indentation with --tabs flag
[New Documentation]
- Added Kelp::Manual - moved from old Kelp POD
- Added Kelp::Manual::Cookbook
- POD fixes
1.02 - 2018-01-08
[Bug fixes]
- clean namespace inside import, fix for Path::Tiny
1.01 - 2017-12-29
No changes. Stable version.
0.9091 - 2016-11-08
- Change bridge error respose. Bridges will return 403 Forbidden (Konstantin Yakunin)
- attr can be ether scalar, undef or CODEref but not HASHREF or ARRAYREF (Nikolay Mishin)
- POD (Nikolay Mishin)
0.9071 - 2015-08-10
[Bug Fixes]
- Bridges will correctly return 401 (instead of 500) when non existing location is accessed (Konstantin Yakunin)
- Undefined value warning fixed. (Ben Hengst)
- Correct handle errors on deployment and silence STDERR in Stack Trace tests (Konstantin Yakunin)
[New Features]
- New attributes request_obj and response_obj used to specify the name of the request and response classes. (Ben Hengst)
0.9051 - 2015-04-02
[Bug Fixes]
- Stringify 500 errors avoiding the JSON-ification of returned structures and blessed objects. (basiliscos)
- Increate the level of Test::Bulder in Kelp::Test, providing more relevant messages upon error. (basiliscos)
- POD typos corrected
[New Features]
- Add json_content method to Kelp::Test, allowing for the testing of the returned JSON structure.
- Abstract the initialization of the Config and Routes modules
- More POD and examples added (roy-tate, Christian Froemmel, Perlover)
0.9021 - 2014-12-14
[Bug Fixes]
- POD fixes
[New features]
- Session now accepts hashref, which also allows for the destruction
of the enitire session.
- Add "include" function to config files, making it possible to include
other file into the configuration.
0.9015 - 2014-08-08
[Bug Fixes]
- Fix a typo causing a fatal error in Routes::Controller
- Fix debug and error keywords in Kelp::Less
- Remove an explicit return undef, per Perl::Critic
[New Features and Improvements]
- Allow for route methods outside of base class
It is now possible to add a route that lives outside of the base class
by prefixing it with '+'. This works for both Perl and camelized
- Add config keyword to Kelp::Less
- Virtualize the logger instantiation
Add a _logger function in Module::Logger, which creates the logger
instance, making it easier to subclass the Logger module.
Add a Logger::Simple module, which dumps everything to STDERR
This module is convenient to use during development with Kelp::Less.
- Update bin/Kelp
* bin/Kelp --less <name> will now create a psgi file with the specified name
(previously it would always create app.psgi).
* Existing files will not be overwritten, unless --force specified.
- Simplify Less application boilerplate
Add a Config subclass with simplified configuration that will be used by
default by any Kelp::Less application. This configuration will not load
any modules or middleware, leaving it up to the user to manually load
any modules needed.
Additionally, bin/Kelp --less <name> will now only generate the psgi
application, and not any other folders, views, templates etc.
- Downgrade confess to croak and croak to die
Kelp::Response used confess and croak excessively. Both changed to die,
so that the user can control how much stack trace they want via the
'long_error' attribute or the KELP_LONG_ERROR env variable.
0.9012 - 2014-07-12
[New features]
- Add access to the application instance from the config files
- methods 'requiest' and 'response' renamed to 'build_request' and 'build_response', in order
to minimize cofusion. NOTE: If your application is overriding any of those, make sure to rename them too.
- Replace explicit UTF-8 encoding with $app->charset
- Rename pattern attribute 'via' to 'method'. 'via' will still work as a shortcut to 'method', so
this will not break backwards compatibility.
- POD fixes
- Using Pod::Markdown::Github to generate from
0.9001 - 2014-05-30
[Bug Fixes:]
- Curly braces get stripped from pattern checks
- Remove HTTP_X headers from Kelp::Request (security hole)
[New features]
- Allow for extending Kelp::Routes and using custom routers (Maurice Aubrey)
- Create Kelp::Routes::Controller, which reblesses the web app into a controller class (Maurice Aubrey)
- Set env KELP_CONFIG_WARN to warn for missing config files
- Set rendered to true when redirecting (Julio Fraire)
- Add request_ok method to Kelp::Test
- Config module optionally registers _cfg method, to help manipulate the configuration.
- Add a cookie jar to Kelp::Test
0.4602 - 2014-03-31
Replace $json->property with $json->get_utf8 in order to maintain compatibility across different JSON implementations
0.4601 - 2014-03-27
If no placeholders in route, param array should be empty (Maurice Aubrey)
Move route cache to a CHI-like interface, in order to allow for custom cache modules
Don't double encode JSON repsonse (Ruslan Zakirov)
0.4570 - 2014-03-02
Allow attributes to set undef values
do not append default template extension if ext() is undef
Added POD
Added tests
0.4560 - 2013-11-19
Allow for fully qualified Kelp module names
Config merge sigils will now only work for ARRAY
POD and typo fixes
0.4550 - 2013-11-11
Flip nginx env vars.
Change param to accept no JSON content or non-hash JSON
Make Kelp::Test::request only load the PSGI app once
POD and comments typo fixes
0.4501 - 2013-08-14
Minor fixes
Add render_binary
Add missing header_like
POD changes
0.4011 - 2013-07-05
Removed modules_disable and middleware_disable, and added the ability to add and remove elements in an array by adding a '+' or '-' in front of the key name.
0.4001 - 2013-07-02
Added modules_disable and middleware_disable arrays in config
Added a REMOTE_USER fallback for nginx
Added loaded_modules attribute to Kelp
Fixed utf8 encoding for OSX
Added a session convenience method
PSGI creation remodeled to leverage the StackTrace middleware
Introduced render_error method in Kelp::Response, which will look for error templates (404, 500, etc)
0.3101 - 2013-06-13
Remove dependency of Template, replace it with Template::Tiny.
Reason being that Template does not pass its tests under Perl 5.18.
Use Kelp::Module::Template::Toolkit (available on CPAN) if your code
depends on Template.
0.3001 - 2013-05-25
Fix typo in test paths
Bridges accessed directly will now return 401 - Unathorized
Introduce "panic" and "finalize" methods
Add "long_error" attribute
Rename "before_render" to "before_finalize"
Change all _croak statements to return panic, improving the natural flow of the route logic
0.2191 - 2013-05-14
Add arguments to load_module
Fix tests and small issues
0.2190 - 2013-05-05
Add property for partial rendering
Address an issue with nginx and headers
Add more pod
0.2182 - 2013-05-02
Fix issue with content-type params
Set explicit utf8 encoding for module Template
Replace wizardly Perl code with Class::Inspector
0.2181 - 2013-04-20
Fix test failing under Perl 5.10
0.218 - 2013-04-19
Add auto load class when adding a route.
0.217 - 2013-04-17
Fix Github issue #1
Revamp the Template module to allow for more standard subclassing
Remove Config::Hash from test units
0.21 - 2013-04-16
Allow for using templates w/o extension.
Allow for subclassing the templates module.
Implement testing of a Less app, via the psgi attribute.
0.2 - 2013-04-13
Complete rewrite of the Config module, allow for subclassing of it.
Write more tests.
Write more POD.
0.1 - 2013-04-12
First upload to CPAN