Revision history for Storage-Abstract

0.007 - 2025-03-08
	- Added 'refresh' method to Storage::Abstract and its drivers
	- Defined 'public_url' extension key in retrieve properties
	- Internal refactoring of drivers and driver roles
	- Metadrivers performance improvements

0.006 - 2024-10-19
	- Added superpath driver

0.005 - 2024-10-19
	- Added X::Readonly, used to throw exception on readonly instead of X::StorageError
	- Metadrivers no longer have readonly attribute, they now report the readonly status of their sources
	- Driver::Composite now throws an exception on set_readonly
	- Driver implementations should now consume one of the roles from Storage::Abstract::Role namespace

0.004 - 2024-10-18
	- Added create_directory option to Directory driver
	- Documentation fixes

0.003 - 2024-10-14
	- Added subpath driver
	- Improved constructor behavior with hash references and driver instances
	- Driver name can now be prefixed with + to force full custom namespace
	- Changed the behavior of Composite driver
		- no longer catches errors raised in its sources
		- will not fall back to other sources if one of the sources encounters a problem
		- errors field was removed
		- sources field was renamed to source
	- Removed Feature::Compat::Try dependency
	- Increased minimum Type::Tiny version to 2

0.002 - 2024-10-13
	- Added 'size' to list of common properties
	- Added 'list' delegated method to Storage::Abstract

0.001 - 2024-10-13
	- First version