0.21      2022-10-26 15:23:25-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Handle deparsing constructs like "my $a = sub { ... }" after changes
      in 5.37.5

0.20      2022-10-17 15:44:26-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Support deparsing new OPs pp_padsv_store and pp_aelemfastlex_store
    * Support deparsing new undef-OP related optimizations

0.19      2022-03-08 16:39:39-06:00 America/Chicago
    * stepout() now accepts a callback, invoked after the sub returns but
      before the caller regains control, and can alter the return value.
    * Fix dual-var deparse bug exposed in 5.35.10

0.18      2018-10-25 17:54:58-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Test fixes to work on threaded perls, and to force minimum required
        versions of some modules

0.17      2018-10-24 15:32:09-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Deparser supports fc() and \F (foldcase) in double-quoted strings
    * Deparser handles Perl 5.28's optimization of index() and rindex()
    * Deparser supports Perl 5.30's requirement that CORE::dump() be used
        instead of dump()
    * current_location() is now valid if called before init()
    * Coderefs are now allowed in breakpoints and actions
    * Dosen't crash when stepping into/over lvalue subs
    * continue_to() stops execution at a given file+line or the first
        statement of a named sub or subref
    * Big refactoring of tests using Test2.  They should be easier to
        understand, run and modify.

0.16      2018-06-23 08:38:36-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Support delete() on a hash-value slice, new in Perl 5.28

0.15      2018-02-06 16:59:24-06:00 America/Chicago
    * Handle changes to the translation table for tr/// introduced in 5.27.8

0.14      2018-01-31 13:07:10-06:00 America/Chicago
    * Revert given/whereso/whereis

0.13      2017-12-21 16:22:54-06:00 America/Chicago
    * Support for the new given/whereso/whereis syntax in 5.27.7

0.12      2017-11-13 15:19:03-06:00 America/Chicago
    * Support for the new multiconcat OP in 5.27.6

0.11      2017-10-19 16:06:33-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Fix a bug involving anon subs given a name with Sub::Name
    * documentation improvements
    * clean up warnings during t/20-optree.t

0.10      2016-10-24 11:44:26-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Fixes tests in bleadperl - pp_split is now a PMOP

0.09      2016-09-10 11:59:03-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Documented decompiling support - besides getting entire optrees,
        you can use the next_statement() and next_fragment() methods

0.08      2016-08-23 16:09:57-05:00 America/Chicago
    * Require at least Perl 5.8.9

0.07      15 Aug 2016
    * Fix for running tests on Windows (thanks, nanis)
    * Preliminary support for decompiling.  Currently undocumented, but see
        Devel::Chitin::OpTree->build_from_location() and t/20-optree.t

0.07      21 Jan 2016
    * When Devel::Callsite is available, Location objects have a 'callsite'
        value indicating the address of the next opcode to execute
    * notify_trace_resume() is called before the debugged program regains
        control for clients that have turned on the trace flag.

0.05      11 Dec 2014
    * New feature: watch expressions - send notification when an expression
    * Fix a bug when get_var_at_level() is called with a package-global hash

0.04      16 Aug 2014
    * Normalize stack frame 'hasargs' between different Perl versions
    * Stack frame instances get unique serial numbers
    * Breakpoint/Action 'code' is now mutable

0.03      24 Jun 2014
    * get_var_at_level() works properly with vstrings
    * Typo fixes from David Steinbrunner <dsteinbrunner@pobox.com>

0.02      8 Mar 2014
    * Fixed a packaging error.  Functionally the same as v0.01

0.01      3 Mar 2014
    * First release