Revision history for Perl script Cvs-Brancher.
1.01 Tue Oct 25 12:00:00 2003
- Revised email to be a little clearer on details
- Added another example script
1.00 Thu Oct 9 12:36:00 2003
- Added tagging for 'premerge' and 'merged' in
- Completed testing against production
- Various minor bug fixes, code cleanup, etc.
- Created some example scripts
0.30 Thu Oct 2 14:46:00 2003
- Add mention of which hostname the at jobs run on
- Change subject line for errors to not say 'Fatal'
- Add mention of rollout / date / time to error/success emails
- Ensure we can detect the fail indicator
- Elaborate on error/success messages in
- Review/revise email handling
- Make sure die messages show up in testing log
0.20 Wed Oct 1 18:42:00 2003
- Fix mkpath of '$HOME' directory
- Find why it did not check out after merge collision
- Find why it got a merge collision when it shouldn't
- Change $! to $? in Cvs::Brancher
- "rm: cannot lstat `/tmp/testing.log': No such file or
- Document and
- Alphabetize application cmdline options
- Verify enough options are getting passed to
- Document chdir for merge
- Ensure testing.log gets appended to error email msgs
- Test changing the homepage on webdev via a schedule
- need to test for $opt_helplong and $opt_man
- Fix the branch-branch substitutions
0.10 Tue Sep 30 12:24:00 2003
- Fixed up typos in OVERVIEW,
- Removed local sub for find in Cvs::Brancher::merge_branch
- Made @collision a local var in Cvs::Brancher::merge_branch
- Changed mkpath to use $dir instead of [$dir]
- Created PLAN outlining future development tasks
- Fleshing out README & explaining how to use
- Documenting 'file' member of message in send_template_email
0.00 Tue Sep 9 10:38:31 2003
- original version; created by sdist 1.4