package Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature; use strict; use Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest; use Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::SubPacket; use Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public; use Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants qw( DEFAULT_DIGEST ); use Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler; use base qw( Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler ); sub pkt_hdrlen { 2 } sub key_id { my $sig = shift; unless ($sig->{key_id}) { my $sp = $sig->find_subpacket(16); $sig->{key_id} = $sp->{data}; } $sig->{key_id}; } sub timestamp { my $sig = shift; $sig->{version} < 4 ? $sig->{timestamp} : $sig->find_subpacket(2)->{data}; } sub digest { my $sig = shift; Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->new($sig->{hash_alg}); } sub find_subpacket { my $sig = shift; my($type) = @_; my @sp = (@{$sig->{subpackets_hashed}}, @{$sig->{subpackets_unhashed}}); for my $sp (@sp) { return $sp if $sp->{type} == $type; } } sub new { my $class = shift; my $sig = bless { }, $class; $sig->init(@_); } sub init { my $sig = shift; my %param = @_; $sig->{subpackets_hashed} = []; $sig->{subpackets_unhashed} = []; if ((my $obj = $param{Data}) && (my $cert = $param{Key})) { $sig->{version} = $param{Version} || 4; $sig->{type} = $param{Type} || 0x00; $sig->{hash_alg} = $param{Digest} ? $param{Digest} : $sig->{version} == 4 ? DEFAULT_DIGEST : 1; $sig->{pk_alg} = $cert->key->alg_id; if ($sig->{version} < 4) { $sig->{timestamp} = time; $sig->{key_id} = $cert->key_id; $sig->{hash_len} = 5; } else { my $sp = Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::SubPacket->new; $sp->{type} = 2; $sp->{data} = time; push @{ $sig->{subpackets_hashed} }, $sp; $sp = Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::SubPacket->new; $sp->{type} = 16; $sp->{data} = $cert->key_id; push @{ $sig->{subpackets_unhashed} }, $sp; } my $hash = $sig->hash_data(ref($obj) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$obj : $obj); $sig->{chk} = substr $hash, 0, 2; my $sig_data = $cert->key->sign($hash, Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->alg($sig->{hash_alg})); my @sig = $cert->key->sig_props; for my $e (@sig) { $sig->{$e} = $sig_data->{$e}; } } $sig; } sub sig_trailer { my $sig = shift; my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new; if ($sig->{version} < 4) { $buf->put_int8($sig->{type}); $buf->put_int32($sig->{timestamp}); } else { $buf->put_int8($sig->{version}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{type}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{pk_alg}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{hash_alg}); my $sp_data = $sig->_save_subpackets('hashed'); $buf->put_int16(defined $sp_data ? length($sp_data) : 0); $buf->put_bytes($sp_data) if $sp_data; my $len = $buf->length; $buf->put_int8($sig->{version}); $buf->put_int8(0xff); $buf->put_int32($len); } $buf->bytes; } sub parse { my $class = shift; my($buf) = @_; my $sig = $class->new; $sig->{version} = $buf->get_int8; if ($sig->{version} < 4) { $sig->{sig_data} = $buf->bytes($buf->offset+1, 5); $sig->{hash_len} = $buf->get_int8; return $class->error("Hash len $sig->{hash_len} != 5") unless $sig->{hash_len} == 5; $sig->{type} = $buf->get_int8; $sig->{timestamp} = $buf->get_int32; $sig->{key_id} = $buf->get_bytes(8); $sig->{pk_alg} = $buf->get_int8; $sig->{hash_alg} = $buf->get_int8; } else { $sig->{sig_data} = $buf->bytes($buf->offset-1, 6); $sig->{type} = $buf->get_int8; $sig->{pk_alg} = $buf->get_int8; $sig->{hash_alg} = $buf->get_int8; for my $h (qw( hashed unhashed )) { my $subpack_len = $buf->get_int16; my $sp_buf = $buf->extract($subpack_len); $sig->{sig_data} .= $sp_buf->bytes if $h eq 'hashed'; while ($sp_buf->offset < $sp_buf->length) { my $len = $sp_buf->get_int8; if ($len >= 192 && $len < 255) { my $len2 = $sp_buf->get_int8; $len = (($len-192) << 8) + $len2 + 192; } elsif ($len == 255) { $len = $sp_buf->get_int32; } my $this_buf = $sp_buf->extract($len); my $sp = Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::SubPacket->parse($this_buf); push @{ $sig->{"subpackets_$h"} }, $sp; } } } $sig->{chk} = $buf->get_bytes(2); ## XXX should be Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature->new($sig->{pk_alg})? my $key = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public->new($sig->{pk_alg}) or return $class->error(Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public->errstr); my @sig = $key->sig_props; for my $e (@sig) { $sig->{$e} = $buf->get_mp_int; } $sig; } sub save { my $sig = shift; my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new; $buf->put_int8($sig->{version}); if ($sig->{version} < 4) { $buf->put_int8($sig->{hash_len}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{type}); $buf->put_int32($sig->{timestamp}); $buf->put_bytes($sig->{key_id}, 8); $buf->put_int8($sig->{pk_alg}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{hash_alg}); } else { $buf->put_int8($sig->{type}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{pk_alg}); $buf->put_int8($sig->{hash_alg}); for my $h (qw( hashed unhashed )) { my $sp_data = $sig->_save_subpackets($h); $buf->put_int16(defined $sp_data ? length($sp_data) : 0); $buf->put_bytes($sp_data) if $sp_data; } } $buf->put_bytes($sig->{chk}, 2); ## XXX should be Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature->new($sig->{pk_alg})? my $key = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Public->new($sig->{pk_alg}); my @sig = $key->sig_props; for my $e (@sig) { $buf->put_mp_int($sig->{$e}); } $buf->bytes; } sub _save_subpackets { my $sig = shift; my($h) = @_; my @sp; return unless $sig->{"subpackets_$h"} && (@sp = @{ $sig->{"subpackets_$h"} }); my $sp_buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new; for my $sp (@sp) { my $data = $sp->save; my $len = length $data; if ($len < 192) { $sp_buf->put_int8($len); } elsif ($len < 8384) { $len -= 192; $sp_buf->put_int8( int($len / 256) + 192 ); $sp_buf->put_int8( $len % 256 ); } else { $sp_buf->put_int8(255); $sp_buf->put_int32($len); } $sp_buf->put_bytes($data); } $sp_buf->bytes; } sub hash_data { my $sig = shift; my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new; my $type = ref($_[0]); if ($type eq 'Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate') { my $cert = shift; $buf->put_int8(0x99); my $pk = $cert->public_cert->save; $buf->put_int16(length $pk); $buf->put_bytes($pk); if (@_) { if (ref($_[0]) eq 'Crypt::OpenPGP::UserID') { my $uid = shift; my $ud = $uid->save; if ($sig->{version} >= 4) { $buf->put_int8(0xb4); $buf->put_int32(length $ud); } $buf->put_bytes($ud); } elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate') { my $subcert = shift; $buf->put_int8(0x99); my $k = $subcert->public_cert->save; $buf->put_int16(length $k); $buf->put_bytes($k); } } } elsif ($type eq 'Crypt::OpenPGP::Plaintext') { my $pt = shift; my $data = $pt->data; if ($pt->mode eq 't') { require Crypt::OpenPGP::Util; $buf->put_bytes(Crypt::OpenPGP::Util::canonical_text($data)); } else { $buf->put_bytes($data); } } $buf->put_bytes($sig->sig_trailer); my $hash = Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->new($sig->{hash_alg}) or return $sig->error( Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->errstr ); $hash->hash($buf->bytes); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature - Signature packet =head1 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature; my $cert = Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate->new; my $plaintext = 'foo bar'; my $sig = Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature->new( Key => $cert, Data => $plaintext, ); my $serialized = $sig->save; =head1 DESCRIPTION I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature> implements PGP signature packets and provides functionality for hashing PGP packets to obtain message digests; these digests are then signed by the secret key to form a signature. I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature> reads and writes both version 3 and version 4 signatures, along with the signature subpackets found in version 4 (see I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::SubPacket>). =head1 USAGE =head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature->new( %arg ) Creates a new signature packet object and returns that object. If there are no arguments in I<%arg>, the object is created empty; this is used, for example, in I<parse> (below), to create an empty packet which is then filled from the data in the buffer. If you wish to initialize a non-empty object, I<%arg> can contain: =over 4 =item * Data A PGP packet object of some kind. Currently the two supported objects are I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> objects, to create self-signatures for keyrings, and I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Plaintext> objects, for signatures on blocks of data. This argument is required (for a non-empty packet). =item * Key A secret-key certificate that can be used to sign the data. In other words an object of type I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> that holds a secret key. This argument is required. =item * Version The packet format version of the signature. Valid values are either C<3> or C<4>; version C<4> signatures are the default, but will be incompatible with older PGP implementations; for example, PGP2 will only read version 3 signatures; PGP5 can read version 4 signatures, but only on signatures of data packets (not on key signatures). This argument is optional; the default is version 4. =item * Type Specifies the type of signature (data, key, etc.). Valid values can be found in the OpenPGP RFC, section 5.2.1. This argument is optional; the default is C<0x00>, signature of a binary document. =item * Digest The digest algorithm to use when generating the digest of the data to be signed. See the documentation for I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest> for a list of valid values. This argument is optional; the default is C<SHA1>. =back =head2 $sig->save Serializes the signature packet and returns a string of octets. =head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature->parse($buffer) Given I<$buffer>, a I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer> object holding (or with offset pointing to) a signature packet, returns a new I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature> object, initialized with the signature data in the buffer. =head2 $sig->hash_data(@data) Prepares a digital hash of the packets in I<@data>; the hashing method depends on the type of packets in I<@data>, and the hashing algorithm used depends on the algorithm associated with the I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature> object I<$sig>. This digital hash is then signed to produce the signature itself. You generally do not need to use this method unless you have not passed in the I<Data> parameter to I<new> (above). There are two possible packet types that can be included in I<@data>: =over 4 =item * Key Certificate and User ID An OpenPGP keyblock contains a key certificate and a signature of the public key and user ID made by the secret key. This is called a self-signature. To produce a self-signature, I<@data> should contain two packet objects: a I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> object and a I<Crypt::OpenPGP::UserID> object. For example: my $hash = $sig->hash_data($cert, $id) or die $sig->errstr; =item * Plaintext To sign a piece of plaintext, pass in a I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Plaintext> object. This is a standard OpenPGP signature. my $pt = Crypt::OpenPGP::Plaintext->new( Data => 'foo bar' ); my $hash = $sig->hash_data($pt) or die $sig->errstr; =back =head2 $sig->key_id Returns the ID of the key that created the signature. =head2 $sig->timestamp Returns the time that the signature was created in Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970). =head2 $sig->digest Returns a Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest object representing the digest algorithm used by the signature. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut