package Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants; use strict; use vars qw( %CONSTANTS ); %CONSTANTS = ( 'PGP_PKT_PUBKEY_ENC' => 1, 'PGP_PKT_SIGNATURE' => 2, 'PGP_PKT_SYMKEY_ENC' => 3, 'PGP_PKT_ONEPASS_SIG' => 4, 'PGP_PKT_SECRET_KEY' => 5, 'PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_KEY' => 6, 'PGP_PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY' => 7, 'PGP_PKT_COMPRESSED' => 8, 'PGP_PKT_ENCRYPTED' => 9, 'PGP_PKT_MARKER' => 10, 'PGP_PKT_PLAINTEXT' => 11, 'PGP_PKT_RING_TRUST' => 12, 'PGP_PKT_USER_ID' => 13, 'PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY' => 14, 'PGP_PKT_ENCRYPTED_MDC' => 18, 'PGP_PKT_MDC' => 19, 'DEFAULT_CIPHER' => 2, 'DEFAULT_DIGEST' => 2, 'DEFAULT_COMPRESS' => 1, ); use vars qw( %TAGS ); my %RULES = ( '^PGP_PKT' => 'packet', ); for my $re (keys %RULES) { $TAGS{ $RULES{$re} } = [ grep /$re/, keys %CONSTANTS ]; } sub import { my $class = shift; my @to_export; my @args = @_; for my $item (@args) { push @to_export, $item =~ s/^:// ? @{ $TAGS{$item} } : $item; } no strict 'refs'; my $pkg = caller; for my $con (@to_export) { warn __PACKAGE__, " does not export the constant '$con'" unless exists $CONSTANTS{$con}; *{"${pkg}::$con"} = sub () { $CONSTANTS{$con} } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants - Exportable constants =head1 DESCRIPTION I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants> provides a list of common and useful constants for use in I<Crypt::OpenPGP>. =head1 USAGE None of the constants are exported by default; you have to ask for them explicitly. Some of the constants are grouped into bundles that you can grab all at once; alternatively you can just take the individual constants, one by one. If you wish to import a group, your I<use> statement should look something like this: use Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants qw( :group ); Here are the groups: =over 4 =item * packet All of the I<PGP_PKT_*> constants. These are constants that define packet types. =back Other exportable constants, not belonging to a group, are: =over 4 =item * DEFAULT_CIPHER =item * DEFAULT_DIGEST =item * DEFAULT_COMPRESS Default cipher, digest, and compression algorithms, to be used if no specific cipher, digest, or compression algorithm is otherwise specified. =back =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut