Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Auth::Basic.

Time zone is GMT+2

1.10 Sun Jun 18 04:07:02 2006
	=> SIGNATURE sent to oblivion :p
	=> Exit handler fix.
	=> Oooh... I've just faced the infamous 
	   "The crypt() function is unimplemented due to excessive paranoia"
	   thing. Module now checks this error and enables 
	   Crypt::UnixCrypt::crypt() if 'Crypt::UnixCrypt' exists, dies 
	=> Updated test suite.
	=> Module::Build support.
	=> Renamed some private methods to pass pod coverage test.

1.02 Sun Nov  7 05:27:49 2004
	=> Changed default CHMOD value to 0777 (it was 0644).
	   It must be 0666, but I think that 0777 is mostly 
	   better for CGI apps.
	=> Updated pod.
	=> Fixed typo in error messages.
	=> Added module version info to fatal html.

1.01 Tue Aug 31 16:14:39 2004
	=> Added hidden option to new. You can now define 
	   some hidden areas globally in the templates.
	   They'll also be used in the query strings.
	=> New method exit_code() to set the exit code.
	   Default is CORE::exit.
1.0 Sat Feb 21 16:12:56 2004
	=> First release.