Revision history for Perl extension GD::SecurityImage.

Time zone is GMT+2.

1.4_01 Mon Sep 20 16:46:13 2004
	=> It looks like newer versions of GD does not have the path 
	   bug, but I do not know the exact version that this was 
	   fixed. Anyway, it looks like v2.16 does not have that bug. 
	   Also added this to Pod.
	=> The module now automatically drops to 'normal' mode if
	   you are using GD and your GD version is smaller than 1.20
	   and you have selected 'ttf' method.
	   Q: Why?
	   A: v1.19 and below does not have ttf support. (As mentioned
	      in earlier releases) -- also: has GD v1.19 :).
	   Module does this silently, so you'll not get any warnings about
	=> New parameters scramble and angle added to new(). If you enable 
	   scramble, you have to generate a bigger image, since characters 
	   have three spaces between them.
	=> I've decided to change the description of the module. Now it
	   has the word "captcha" in it (for search engines).
	=> Added some new constants to both backends.
	=> Module now requires Math::Trig (which is a CORE module) for 
	   degree to radian calculation.
	=> New tests for scramble.
	=> New private method random_angle.

1.33 Sun Aug 22 16:50:42 2004
	=> Because of libgd's path bug, in some cases,
	   GD::SecurityImage::GD::insert_text() can not get the 
	   boundary list. I've added a workaround there. If we don't 
	   get the list, then we'll use width/2 and height/2 which 
	   will generate wrong values (since the image will not
	   include any string and because the underlying library can not 
	   find the ttf font, that's not the problem), but I can not do 
	   anything about it.
	   GD wants an *exact* path with no spaces in it for TTF Fonts.
	   Just don't put your codes/fonts in paths that have spaces in it.
	   And don't try to "make test" from a location like this.
	   You can blame windowz and/or libgd for this.
	   Also, if Cwd::getcwd() can not get the exact path, we will have
	   the same problem, but after this version, you'll probably not 
	   get "Use of uninitialized value" warnings.
	=> New method gdbox_empty() added to GD::SecurityImage::GD.
	   Also added a fake gdbox_empty() method to 
	   GD::SecurityImage::Magick for compatibility.
	   Under GD::SecurityImage::Magick, this method always returns 
	=> Minor fix in create().
	=> Updated Pods. Sub modules have definiton of what they are now.

1.321 Wed Jul 28 21:52:04 2004
	=> Updated tests. Code didn't change.

1.32 Wed Jul 28 15:49:12 2004
	=> Minimal fix in create().
	=> There is a bug in PerlMagicks older than 6.0.4.
	   From <>:
	   "PerlMagick's QueryFontMetrics() incorrectly reports 
	   `unrecognized attribute'` for the `font' attribute".
	   Image::Magick test is now skipped if your 
	   $Image::Magick::VERSION is smaller than 6.0.4.
	   Please upgrade to 6.0.4, if you want to use Image::Magick
	   as the backend.
	=> Added this bug to Pod.

1.31 Sun Jun 27 00:08:49 2004
	=> Updated Pod.
	=> send_ctobg is disabled automatically if style is 
	   set to 'box'.
	=> All styles can put a frame around the image now.
	   And this feature is enabled by default.
	=> New option 'frame' added to new().
	=> Renamed constants in GD::SecurityImage::GD.
	=> Changed tests.

1.3 Mon Jun 21 19:11:13 2004
	=> New method particle().
	=> Private method r2h().
	=> Fixed color conversion for Image::Magick.
	=> out() now accepts arguments.
	=> Updated pod.

1.2 Fri Jun 18 21:39:08 2004
	=> Added raw() method.
	=> Fixed gd_font object key.
	=> new style "ec".
	=> Adapted Image::Magick compatibility (request from Mark Fuller).
	   I may add Image::Magick spesific styles in future releases.
	=> New modules added: 
	   and GD::SecurityImage is smaller now ;)
	=> Renamed old tests to (added 'gd_' to names):
	=> Added new tests:
        => Altered Makefile.PL and test files to skip tests if the user selects to do so.

1.1 Fri May 14 22:08:39 2004
	=> Added 'send_ctobg' option to new().
	=> After testing the code with a *really* old GD 
	   (1.19 -- which has no ttf support), I've realized 
	   that stringFT was implemented in GD 1.31. 
	   So, the ttf test now has a skip option.
	=> Also added stringTTF check for backward compatibility.
	   stringTTF => (GD 1.20 @ 30 Aug 1999 )
	   stringFT  => (GD 1.31 @ 26 Sep 2001 )
	=> Fixed pod. There was an '=item' instead of '=head'.
	=> Added new styles 'circle' and 'ellipse'.
	=> Updated 03_ttf.t

1.0 Mon Apr 26 21:40:45 2004
	=> First release.