Revision history for Perl extension Sys::Info.

Time zone is GMT+2.

0.52_2 Sun Jun  8 01:07:47 2008
    => Sys::Info::OS::long_name() is now deprecated.
    => Improved driver loading mechanism.
    => $os->long_name deprecated. Use $os->name( long => 1 )

0.52_1 Fri Jun  6 00:11:05 2008
    => Improved OS detection for Windows. Now the editions can also be detected.
    => Windows Server 2008 is now supported.
    => Added new method edition() to Sys::Info::OS.
    => $os->name & $os->long_name & $os->version are now accept parameters.
    => Added a way to detect if Win32::API is available or not under Windows.
    => Initiated a XS interface to Win32 API functions.
           TODO: Improve XS interface and disable WMI as it is so slow
           TODO: Consider Win32::API usage.
    => Added a Core 2 detection code to Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::Device::CPU::Env.

0.51 Sun Dec 30 23:08:52 2007
    => Fix for pod coverage test.

0.50 Sun Dec 30 21:44:11 2007
    => Added 'multiplier' key to CPU metadata (WMI).
    => Implemented CPU load for Windows. However,
       it is not recommended to use if you want speed.
    => Moved ::CPU into ::Device::CPU. A lot of changes took place.
    => New driver model.

0.2 Wed Nov 29 22:56:05 2006
    => First public release.