Revision history for Perl extension Text::Template::Simple.

Time zone is GMT+2.

0.53 Sat Mar 22 02:32:51 2008
   => Abstracted several sub classes into a function. It is now possible to
      alter them via subclassing.
   => New test: 15-connector.t.

0.52 Tue Mar 11 23:10:25 2008
   => Added a test to check module versions.
   => Internal cleanup.

0.51_03 Mon Mar 10 23:11:12 2008
   => New interface test.
   => Updated Pods.

0.51_02 Sun Mar  9 23:13:17 2008
   => Implemented new tests for the cache interface.
   => Cache tests are using File::Temp.

0.51_01 Sun Mar  9 01:19:59 2008
   => Resume unknown tokens as RAW instead of die()ing.
   => Added a mechanism to make it possible to add new tokens and token handlers.
   => New sub modules:
        Text::Template::Simple::Cache      - Cache object
        Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID  - Cache ID generator
        Text::Template::Simple::IO         - I/O methods
        Text::Template::Simple::Deprecated - Temporary module to support old interface for a while
   => All cache methods are now accessible through the cache object.
   => All I/O methods are now accessible through the io object.
   => New cache tests.

0.50 Sun Dec 30 22:05:32 2007
   => Implemented the html_table output of ::Caller->stack.
   => New version just before the new year! Yay! :)

0.49_11 Sun Dec 23 23:20:44 2007
   => Internal cleanup.

0.49_10 Mon Dec 17 20:06:17 2007
   => Added support for buffering caller stack dump.
   => Pod updates.

0.49_09 Sun Dec 16 16:05:18 2007
   => Fix typos.
   => Added Perl::Tidy support. If you have this module, bogus templates
      will be displayed in a tidied way. This also enabled for displaying
      template fragments (if debug is enabled and set to a higher value).
   => Forgot a single quote in the resume template.

0.49_08 Sat Dec 15 00:48:48 2007
   => Each subclass is now in it's own file. Monolithic module is no more.
   => Internal cleanup.

0.49_07 Sun Dec  9 23:00:33 2007
   => Output buffer variable names are now randomly generated. All public
      interface (and Pod) related to this has now been removed.
   => Exporter is back. But with different export keys.
   => Internal cleanup.
   => New subclassing tests.

0.49_06 Sun Dec  2 21:49:38 2007
   => Improved I/O Layer handling.
   => Pod fix.

0.49_05 Sat Dec  1 23:54:15 2007
   => Code cleanup.
   => Removed IS_DEBUG().
   => Removed Exporter.
   => Removed old code.
   => Restored verbose error message when there is a compilation error.

0.49_04 Fri Nov 30 00:12:23 2007
   => Added a "check" option to map_keys.
   => Code cleanup.

0.49_03 Wed Nov 28 01:05:26 2007
   => Added delimiter escaping (request from Bastian Friedrich).
   => Replaced the parser with a new sleek & sexy tokenizer.
   => Unbalanced delimiter error now gives the type of missing one.

0.49_02 Sun Nov  4 00:09:53 2007
   => Fixed a typo in Text::Template::Simple::Caller::_text_table();
   => All distro files now has LF line ending.
   => Added 'caller' to permit list of safe mode.

0.49_01 Sun Nov  4 00:09:53 2007
   => Added a caller stack dumper.
   => Fixed Win32 compatibility (again).

0.48 Tue May 29 21:40:16 2007
   => Removed AUTOLOAD.
   => When I issue a dump_cache() with Data::Dumper & 
      Deparse() enabled, under mod_perl2 or PerlEx,
      I got a strange error: 

         Can't locate object method "first" via package "B::SVOP" at ...

      This does not happen suddenly, but after I call dump_cache()
      three times. 
      I couldn't duplicate the error with a simple example, so 
      this may be related to some other part of my actual code 
      (not related to Text::Template::Simple). I've created a 
      workaround for now. If you get the same error somehow 
      (it is now a warning) please report via RT and include
      a sample code if possible.
   => Internal cleanup.
   => Test::More is now required.

0.47 Thu Jan  4 18:16:21 2007
   => Implemented an I/O layer mechanism.
   => Fixed Win32 compatibility 
      (older perls don't have a

0.46 Thu Dec 21 20:16:33 2006
   => Bugfix in _resume().
   => Internal changes:
         Replaced remaining die()s with croak()s.
         s[} else {][}\n else {]sg;
   => Added a new test to demonstrate extending 
   => Safe templates were not working. Fixed by 
      adding a require opcode (disable strict to
      disable require).
   => Added a safe test.

0.45 Sat Dec 16 22:15:18 2006
   => Internal optimization.
   => Added line number and file name emulation to parser.
      You have to use file templates or enable cache to 
      enable this feature.
   => Implemented a resume method. If enabled, the compiler 
      will resume on fatal errors. There are some buggy parts
      and it will slow down the compilation process.

0.44 Sat Sep  9 10:44:43 2006
   => Forgot to remove development code.
      Fixed versions in this file.

0.43 Fri Sep  8 20:52:41 2006
   => Internal cleanup & optimization.

0.42 Fri Sep  8 14:23:34 2006
   => Added fix_uncuddled option (bool) to new & 
      implemented it. If you are a uncuddled else/elsif
      fan, enable this or your template will die a horrible

0.41 Tue Aug  8 04:01:44 2006
   => Fixed flock() check.
   => New option to new(): warn_ids.
   => Fixed a nasty bug in self printing blocks.

0.40 Thu Jun 15 21:03:27 2006
   => Several optimizations.
   => Fixed README & Makefile.PL ABSTRACT.
   => Added compat code to Build.PL
   => Changed get_id().
   => Added 'static' includes.
   => Changed FH detection in _examine().

0.3 Wed Feb 22 21:15:59 2006
   => Completely new API and new design.

0.2 Thu Dec  1 22:24:35 2005
   => New extended interface.

0.1 Sat Dec 11 20:18:26 2004
   => First release.