package DBIx::EAV::Cursor; use Moo; use Carp qw/ croak confess /; use Data::Dumper; use SQL::Abstract; use Scalar::Util qw/ blessed /; my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(); has 'eav', is => 'ro', required => 1; has 'type', is => 'ro', required => 1; has 'query', is => 'ro', default => sub { {} }; has 'options', is => 'ro', default => sub { {} }; has '_sth', is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => 1, predicate => '_has_sth', clearer => '_reset_sth'; sub _check_query_already_executed { my $self = shift; croak "Query already executed!" if defined $self->_sth; } sub _build__sth { my $self = shift; my ($sql_query, $bind) = $self->_build_sql_query(); my ($rv, $sth) = $self->eav->table('entities')->_do($sql_query, $bind); $sth; } sub _build_sql_query { my $self = shift; my $opts = $self->options; my $eav = $self->eav; my $type = $self->type; my $entities_table = $eav->table('entities'); my ($order_by, $group_by, $having, %parser_data, %replacements); # selected field my @select_fields = $opts->{select} ? @{$opts->{select}} : @{$entities_table->columns}; # distinct (before normalizing @select_fields) if ($opts->{distinct}) { # if has group_by, warn and ignore distinct if ($opts->{group_by}) { } else { # exclude id from group by to make the distinct effect $opts->{group_by} = [grep { !ref && $_ !~ /^(me\.|)id$/ } @select_fields]; } } # normalize select fields for (my $i = 0; $i < @select_fields; $i++) { # literal, dont touch next if ref $select_fields[$i] eq 'SCALAR'; my $ident = $select_fields[$i]; my ($fn, $as); # sql function if (ref $ident) { $as = delete $ident->{'-as'}; ($fn, $ident) = each %$ident; unless ($as) { $as = lc($fn.'_'.$ident); $as =~ s/\./_/g; } $parser_data{aliases}{$as} = 1; } my $info = $self->_parse_clause_identifier($ident, \%parser_data); $select_fields[$i] = $fn ? \(sprintf "%s( %s ) AS %s", uc $fn, $info->{replacement}, $as) : $info->{replacement}; } # add type criteria unless we have a subselect ('from' option) my $type_criteria = $opts->{from} ? [] : [ entity_type_id => $type->id ]; if ($opts->{subtype_depth}) { push @$type_criteria, [ '_parent_type_'.$_, $type->id ] for 1 .. $opts->{subtype_depth}; } # parse WHERE my ($where, @bind) = $sql->where({ -and => [ $type_criteria, $self->query] }); my $i = 0; my $where_re = qr/ ([\w._]+) (?:=|!=|<>|>|<|>=|<=|IN|IS NULL|LIKE|NOT LIKE) \?/; while ($where =~ /$where_re/g) { my $ident = $1; my $info = $self->_parse_clause_identifier($ident, \%parser_data, $bind[$i]); $bind[$i] = $info->{bind} if exists $info->{bind}; $replacements{$ident} = $info->{replacement}; $i++; } # replace identifiers in WHERE while (my ($string, $replacement) = each %replacements) { $where =~ s/\b$string\b/$replacement/g; } # parse ORDER BY if (defined $opts->{order_by}) { %replacements = (); $order_by = $sql->where(undef, $opts->{order_by}); while ($order_by =~ / ([\w._]+)(?: ASC| DESC|,|$)/g) { my $ident = $1; my $info = $self->_parse_clause_identifier($ident, \%parser_data); die "Cursor: query error: can't order by relationship! ($ident)'" if $info->{is_relationship}; $replacements{$ident} = $info->{replacement}; } # replace identifiers while (my ($string, $replacement) = each %replacements) { $order_by =~ s/\b$string\b/$replacement/g; } } # prepare prefetch attributes # if ($opts->{prefetch}) { # foreach my $attr (ref $opts->{prefetch} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$opts->{prefetch}} : ($opts->{prefetch})) { # die "unknown attribute given to prefetch: '$attr'" # unless $attr =~ /^(?:$possible_attrs)$/; # # $join_attr{$attr} = 1; # push @select_fields, "$attr.value AS $attr"; # } # } # parse ORDER BY if (defined $opts->{group_by}) { my @fields; foreach my $ident (ref $opts->{group_by} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$opts->{group_by}} : $opts->{group_by}) { my $info = $self->_parse_clause_identifier($ident, \%parser_data); die "Cursor: query error: can't group by a relationship! ($ident)'" if $info->{is_relationship}; push @fields, $info->{replacement}; } $group_by .= 'GROUP BY '. join(', ', @fields); } # parse HAVING if (defined $opts->{having}) { my @having_bind; ($having, @having_bind) = $sql->where($opts->{having}); push @bind, @having_bind; $having =~ s/^\s*WHERE/HAVING/; %replacements = (); while ($having =~ /$where_re/g) { my $ident = $1; my $info = $self->_parse_clause_identifier($ident, \%parser_data); $replacements{$ident} = $info->{replacement}; } # replace identifiers while (my ($string, $replacement) = each %replacements) { $having =~ s/\b$string\b/$replacement/g; } } # build sql statement # SELECT ... FROM # from subselect my $from = $entities_table->name; if (my $subquery = $opts->{from}) { my ($sub_select, $sub_bind) = @$$subquery; $from = "($sub_select)"; push @bind, @$sub_bind; } my $sql_query = $sql->select("$from AS me", \@select_fields); # JOINs if (my $depth = $opts->{subtype_depth}) { my $hierarchy_table = $eav->table("type_hierarchy")->name; $sql_query .= " LEFT JOIN $hierarchy_table AS _parent_type_1 ON (_parent_type_1.child_type_id = me.entity_type_id)"; my $i = 2; while ($depth > 1) { $sql_query .= sprintf(" LEFT JOIN $hierarchy_table AS _parent_type_%d ON (_parent_type_%d.child_type_id = _parent_type_%d.parent_type_id)", $i, $i, $i - 1); $depth--; $i++; } } $sql_query .= " $_" for @{$parser_data{joins} || []}; # WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY $sql_query .= " $where"; $sql_query .= " $group_by" if defined $group_by; $sql_query .= " $having" if defined $having; $sql_query .= " $order_by" if defined $order_by; # LIMIT / OFFSET if ($opts->{limit}) { die "invalid limit" unless $opts->{limit} =~ /^\d+$/; $sql_query .= " LIMIT $opts->{limit}"; if (defined $opts->{offset}) { die "invalid offset" unless $opts->{offset} =~ /^\d+$/; $sql_query .= " OFFSET $opts->{offset}"; } } # return query and bind values ($sql_query, \@bind); } sub _parse_clause_identifier { my ($self, $identifier, $parser_data, $bind_value) = @_; # cached return $parser_data->{cache}->{$identifier} if exists $parser_data->{cache}->{$identifier}; my $type = $self->type; my $eav = $self->eav; # special case: parent_type return $parser_data->{cache}->{$identifier} = { replacement => $identifier.'.parent_type_id' } if $identifier =~ /^_parent_type_\d+$/; # special case: alias return { replacement => $identifier } if exists $parser_data->{aliases}{$identifier}; # remove me. $identifier =~ s/^me\.//; # parse possibly deep related identifier # valid formats: # - <attr> # - <rel> # - <rel>+.<attr> my @parts = split /\./, $identifier; my @joins; my $current_type = $type; my $current_entity_alias = 'me'; my @rels; for (my $i = 0; $i < @parts; $i++) { my $id_part = $parts[$i]; if ($current_type->has_relationship($id_part)) { my $rel = $current_type->relationship($id_part); my ($our_side, $their_side) = $rel->{is_right_entity} ? qw/ right left / : qw/ left right /; push @rels, $rel->{name}; my $current_rel_alias = join '_', @rels, 'link'; # join relationship table unless ($parser_data->{joined}{$current_rel_alias}) { push @{$parser_data->{joins}}, sprintf "INNER JOIN %sentity_relationships AS %s ON = %s.%s_entity_id AND %s.relationship_id = %d", $eav->schema->table_prefix, $current_rel_alias, $current_entity_alias, $current_rel_alias, $our_side, $current_rel_alias, $rel->{id}; $parser_data->{joined}{$current_rel_alias} = 1; } # endpart is the relationship itself if ($i == $#parts) { if (defined $bind_value) { die "Cursor: query error: the entity given to '$identifier' is not an entity of type '$rel->{entity}'." unless blessed $bind_value && $bind_value->isa('DBIx::EAV::Entity') && $bind_value->is_type($rel->{entity}); die "Cursor: query error: the '$rel->{entity}' instance given to '$identifier' is not in storage." unless $bind_value->in_storage; } # set replacement for WHERE, and change bind value to the entity id # note: dont cache this result because bindvalue can change return { replacement => $current_rel_alias .'.'. $their_side.'_entity_id', bind => $bind_value ? $bind_value->id : '', is_relationship => 1 } } # step into the related type else { $current_type = $eav->type($rel->{entity}); $current_entity_alias = $current_entity_alias eq 'me' ? $rel->{name} : $current_entity_alias.'_'.$rel->{name}; unless ($parser_data->{joined}{$current_entity_alias}) { push @{$parser_data->{joins}}, sprintf "INNER JOIN %sentities AS %s ON = %s.%s_entity_id", $eav->schema->table_prefix, $current_entity_alias, $current_entity_alias, $current_rel_alias, $their_side; $parser_data->{joined}{$current_entity_alias} = 1; } } } elsif ($current_type->has_static_attribute($id_part)) { # attribute allowed only at the and confess "Cursor: query error: invalid identifier '$identifier': attribute only allowed at the and of identifier." if $i < $#parts; return $parser_data->{cache}->{$identifier} = { replacement => $current_entity_alias.'.'.$id_part, }; } elsif ($current_type->has_attribute($id_part)) { # attribute allowed only at the and confess "Cursor: query error: invalid identifier '$identifier': attribute only allowed at the and of identifier." if $i < $#parts; my $attr = $current_type->attribute($id_part); my $join_alias = $current_entity_alias eq 'me' ? $attr->{name} : $current_entity_alias.'_'.$attr->{name}; unless ($parser_data->{joined}{$join_alias}) { push @{$parser_data->{joins}}, sprintf "LEFT JOIN %svalue_%s AS %s ON (%s.entity_id = AND %s.attribute_id = %s)", $eav->schema->table_prefix, $attr->{data_type}, $join_alias, $join_alias, $current_entity_alias, $join_alias, $attr->{id}; $parser_data->{joined}{$join_alias} = 1; } return { replacement => $join_alias.'.value' } } else { die sprintf "Cursor: query error: invalid identifier '%s': '%s' is not a valid attribute/relationship for '%s'\n", $identifier, $id_part, $current_type->name; } } } sub as_query { \[shift->_build_sql_query]; } sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->_reset_sth; $self; } sub first { $_[0]->reset->next; } sub next { my $self = shift; $self->_sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub all { my $self = shift; my @rows; $self->reset; while (my $row = $self->next) { push @rows, $row; } $self->reset; return wantarray ? @rows : \@rows; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DBIx::EAV::Cursor - Represents a query used for fetching entities. =head1 SYNOPSIS # get cursor from resultset my $cursor = $eav->resultset('CD')->search(\%query)->cursor; while (my $cd = $cursor->next) { # $cd is the raw hashref returned from database printf "CD id: %d\n", $cd->{id}; } =head1 DESCRIPTION A cursor is used to build, execute and iterate over a SQL query for the entities table. A a cursor instance is returned from L<find|DBIx::EAV::Collection> and from L<get|DBIx::EAV::Entity> (when you get() related data). You will never need to create a instance of this class yourself. =head1 METHODS =head2 all =over 4 =item Arguments: none =item Return Value: L<@entities|DBIx::EAV::Entity> =back Returns all entities in the result. =head2 next =over 4 =item Arguments: none =item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::EAV::Entity> | undef =back Returns the next element in the resultset (C<undef> if there is none). Can be used to efficiently iterate over records in the resultset: my $cursor = $eav->resultset('CD')->find; while (my $cd = $cursor->next) { print $cd->get('title'); } Note that you need to store the cursor object, and call C<next> on it. Calling C<< resultset('CD')->next >> repeatedly will always return the first record from the cursor. =head2 first =over 4 =item Arguments: none =item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::EAV::Entity> | undef =back L<Resets|/reset> the cursor (causing a fresh query to storage) and returns an object for the first result (or C<undef> if the resultset is empty). =head2 reset Deletes the current statement handle, if any. Next data fetching will trigger a new database query. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz E<lt><gt> =cut