Revision history for Perl extension DBIx-EAV

0.10 2018-02-08T17:52:21Z

    * new schema option 'enable_multi_tenancy'
    * improved entity type registration/loading
      - implemented declare_entities()
      - removed register_types()

0.09 2016-08-23T01:46:22Z

    [ FIX ]
    * added undeclared deps to cpanfile (GH #1 by andk)

0.08 2016-08-15T19:01:30Z

    [ NEW ]
    * Implemented custom Entity/ResultSet classes
      - set via entity_namespaces/resultset_namespaces
      - can now define entities via custom classes instead of register_types()

    [ TESTS ]
    * migrated to Test2

0.07 2016-07-26T22:36:26Z

    - improved schema deployment, now using a version table
      - added method 'version_table'
      - added method 'version_table_is_installed'
      - added method 'install_version_table'
      - added method 'version'
      - added method 'installed_version'
    - schema->deploy() now abort silently when the current version is already deployed

0.06 2016-06-04T18:35:21Z

    - implemented DBIx::EAV::EntityType load() class method
    - type() can now load previously registered types
    - improved relationship registration/installation
    - added column 'incoming_name' to table relationships
    - fixed tenant.t

0.05 2016-06-04T14:12:15Z

    - renamed option 'default_data_type' to 'default_attribute_type'
    - added tests for multi-tenancy disable mode
    - improved docs

0.04 2016-06-04T11:31:14Z

    - constructor param 'schema_config' replaces all schema-config-related params
    - Schema now enables foreign keys for SQLite on BUILD
    - fixed constraints from 'entity_relationships' to 'entities' table
    - moved methods 'db_driver_name' and 'has_data_type' to
    - renamed method 'register_schema' to 'register_types'
    - fixed Entity->_get_related() to handle query and options arguments
    - improved docs

0.03 2016-06-03T17:56:55Z

    * DBIx::EAV can now deploy the eav schema to the database (via SQL::Translator)

    - implemented schema->deploy
    - implemented schema->get_ddl($sqlt_producer)
    - new constructor option 'static_attributes' to define extra 'entities' table columns
    - tests now using schema->deploy instead of eav-schema.sql (deleted it)

0.02 2016-06-02T04:59:44Z

    - implemented DBIx::EAV->connect() method

0.01 2016-06-02T03:10:43Z

    - initial import from cafe's private repo