0.10 2014-02-14 20:27:36 America/Chicago
- Implicitly use system libc by passing undef as soname to FFI::Raw
Requires FFI::Raw >= 0.26
0.09 2014-01-29 08:07:12 America/Chicago
- use correct pack type for zmq_version
- use appropriate error function depending on the context
- don't ship zmq constants generation script, which confuses CPAN
0.08 2014-01-19 01:19:49 America/Chicago
- ZMQ_DONTWAIT is not necessary in examples & tests
- Fix unicode bytes handling (GH#5)
Thanks @klaus for test and code
- Generate constants through 4.0.3
- ZMQ4 support added (GH#4)
Thanks @klaus for test, code, and suggestions
0.07 2013-11-10 15:38:14 America/Chicago
- Support 32bit Perls (GH#1)
- Make tests locale aware (GH#2)
0.06 2013-10-08 07:53:53 America/Chicago
- Fix socket/context DEMOLISH order bug
0.05 2013-10-07 01:47:00 America/Chicago
- Minimum required Moo version is 1.003001
0.04 2013-10-06 22:29:35 America/Chicago
- Use Moo instead of Moose
- Support specifying soname at object creation
- Add zmq_soname and zmq_version Util functions
- If soname unspecified try all libzmq sonames before failing
- Major code and doc refactor
- add .travis.yml for Travis CI builds
0.03 2013-10-03 14:32:50 America/Chicago
- Doc additions
0.02 2013-10-03 12:32:16 America/Chicago
- Doc tweaks
- Don't try to close/destroy sockets/contexts if creation failed
0.01 2013-10-03 10:10:05 America/Chicago
- Initial release