Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Salesforce.

0.11 Thurs April 23 15:00:00 2009
    - Fixed a problem with some documentation and code discrepencies (thanks to Michael Blanco)
    - Fixed a small code problem in the retrieve function
0.10 Sun March 1 04:30:00  2009
    - fixed the Makefile to disable automated tests since they'll fail for lack of user/pass
    - Added META.yml
    - fixed some indention problems
    - fixed some file name problems

0.090 Tues Aug 5 12:00:00 2008
    - fixed a few small bugs
    - fixed some dependency issues
    - fixed the constants
        - Thanks to Garth Webb (garth at sixapart dot com) for noticing problems and providing fixes

0.082 Mon Feb 12 17:00:00 2007
    - updated to work with v8.0 of the API
    - A lot of test cases added
        - Thanks to Ron Hess (rhess at salesforce dot com) for fixing some things in the
            module, adding many test cases and providing a lot of other help.

0.081 Mon Oct 29 10:00:00 2006
    - fixed a few small bugs reported with WWW::Salesforce::Simple
        - Thanks to Tony Stubblebine (tony at tonystubblebine dot com) for pointing out
            the errors and providing a fix.

0.08  Thurs Aug 3 11:17:00 2006
    - Reworked to work with API version 7.0 from salesforce.
    - Added WWW::Salesforce::Serializer
    - Deprecated new() call, use login() instead
    - Got rid of $errstr static variable in favor of Carp
    - All functions now either return a SOAP::SOM object or 0 upon error
    - All errors are stored in $!
    - More error handling inside the module
    - Moved WWW::Salesforce::Simple into this build

0.07  Mon April 17 17:45:00 2006
    - Implemented addition to provided by Jun Shimizu. Thanks, Jun

0.06  Fri March 31 14:27:00 2006
    - implemented a bug fix for the delete function

0.04  Thurs Feb 2 15:48:00 2006
    - fixed a problem in the documentation

0.04  Thurs Feb 2 15:00:00 2006
    - fixed a directory quirk due to shared FAT partition work was stored on

0.03  Thurs Feb 2 14:56:00 2006
    - Changed the required version of perl to work with Perl 5.8.0 and greater
    - fixed some documentation

0.02  Wed Jan 18 12:19:00 2006
    - Added deserializer
    - fixed some documentation
    - changed to use API version 6.0 instead of 4.0
    - Added describeLayout method
    - Added a test case

0.01  Tue Jan 17 10:34:55 2006
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
        -X -n WWW::Salesforce