Revision history for WebService-E4SE

0.050     2016-03-23 13:05:34-04:00 America/New_York
    - Changed to Dist::Zilla
    - Updated endpoint list
    - Cleaned up documentation
    - removed need for asmx extension on files
    - Fixed licensing discrepancies
    - perltidied
    - Updated to use XML::Compile::Licensed for sharepoint endpoint

0.04    2015-10-14
    - Fixed problems with newer version of XML::Compile
    - Mocked up a few more tests to get coverage to 90%
    - Made the Makefile use meta spec 2

0.03    2015-10-14
    - Fixed some links and POD
    - Got rid of wantarray
    - Using Moo instead of Moose

0.02    2014-04-08
    - Added necessary dependencies.
    - Fixed some errors with testing.
    - Got rid of README.pod
    - Added for GitHub
    - Fixed some documentation errors.
    - Added more documentation examples.
    - Fixed some error handling to use Carp instead of warn() and die().

0.01    2013-08-29
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.