Revision history for App-HomeBank2Ledger.

0.004     2019-06-17 23:28:10-06:00 MST7MDT
  * Remove --default-account option. Instead the default account(s) can be
    customized using the --rename-account option, like this:


  * Remove single use of "yada yada" for perls <5.12.

0.003     2019-06-13 02:55:59-06:00 MST7MDT
  * Fix bug that makes the --version and --help flags broken.

0.002     2019-06-12 23:39:32-06:00 MST7MDT
  * Rename dist
  * Provide better README in dist

0.001     2019-06-12 22:54:58-06:00 MST7MDT
  * Initial early development release