0.7  2018-01-17 17:00:00 GMT
    * Fix: https dependency (Celogeek San)

0.6  2018-01-12 20:37:00 GMT
    * Update to new API (Celogeek San)

0.5  2014-01-07 21:45:48 GMT
    * Feature #400 : move to sck.pm (Celogeek San)

0.4  2013-09-09 21:24:52 GMT
    * Feature #308 : Use new api sck (Celogeek San)

0.3       2012-11-28 17:19:06 Europe/Paris

    * rewrite meta

0.2       2012-07-17 16:01:00 Europe/Paris

    fix pod

0.1       2012-07-17 15:49:14 Europe/Paris

    use Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::Celogeek v0.7
    set bundle version number