Revision history for Perl extension Net::IMAP::Simple.
0.101 2005-01-06
- Fixed bug which resulted in inconsistant results from login()
0.100 2005-14-05
- Fixed dates in Changes file
- Fixed IMAP protocol error identified by John A. Murphy
- Changed behavior of login() to only return true or false.
This change means that to get the current number of messages
in a users INBOX folder you will need to preform a simple
$imap->select("INBOX") after successfully logging in.
- Added messages() function
- Added the frame work within select() to provide more detailed
information about the current IMAP framework
0.99 2005-28-04
- Added multi-line header patch for bug discovered in top(),
thanks Sergey Mudrik for pointing this out.
0.98 2005-27-04
- Minor document changes
- Fixed implimentation bug with the new option set
0.97 2005-26-04
- Added patch submitted by LTHEGLER to address the multiple
line output problem.
0.96 2005-26-04
- Took over module development (Colin Faber)
- Fixed synopsis to provide a functional example (Colin Faber)
- Added error handling (Colin Faber)
- Added IPv6 support (Colin Faber)
- Added port, timeout, use_v6, retry, retry_delay and bindaddr
options to the object creation method.
0.95 2004-06-09
- Accept port configuration (Matt Bradford).
- Documentation overhaul (Casey West).
- Huge internal code overhaul (Casey West).
- Implemented expunge_mailbox() (Florin Andrei).
0.94 Thu May 20 15:24:21 EDT 2004
- Taken by Casey West.
- Quoted the password argument to login() when sending
to IMAP LOGIN command.
- Added arguments for searching in paths and for mailboxes
in the mailboxes() command.
- Distribution clean up.
0.93 Thu Dec 16 16:15:00 1999
- LIST ... {\d}\r\nmailbox parsing in mailboxes()
- better escaping of \" e \\
(Netscape server doesn't put the \\ in the mailbox name. Why?)
0.92 Tue Dec 13 15:07:00 1999
- seen method
- \r\n as EOL. Thanks to Edward Chao!
- \" escaping. Thanks to Edward Chao!
0.91 Tue Nov 9 11:41:00 1999
- getfh method
- fixed bugs in the documentation(!!!)
0.90 Wed Nov 3 15:29:13 1999
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18