This file documents the revision history for Perl extension HTML::Widget.

1.06 2006-04-06 10:44
        - Added Module::Pluggable::Fast preloading for PAR packaging
          and the like
        - Make HTML::Widget::Container->element support arrayrefs
        - New method add_error() in HTML::Widget::Result
        - Select elements automatically get an In constraint added,
          corresponding to the element's option keys
        - RadioGroup elements automatically get an In constraint added,
          corresponding to the element's values
        - New Number constraint
        - New 'multiple' attribute supported on Select elements
        - Multiple input values for a Select element is an error if the
        	multiple attribute is not true
        - Bug fixes:
        - Hidden element now accepts false but defined input values
        - Fixed bug with $result->params() not returning correct results
          when a field had multiple values
        - Regex constraint skipped when input param not defined
          (stops 'uninitialized value' warning)

1.05 2006-03-13 10:52   
        - New methods get_constraints(), get_elements(), get_filters
        - add value alias for checkbox
        - Fixed element values set to zero or the empty string not being
          set in the xml output
        - Added DependOn constraint
        - Fix textarea with description.
        - Add a src option to Submit to make it a image submit.

1.04 2005-01-30 19:26:00
        - Fixed $query in tests, fixed fetching multiple-valued params
        - More documentation!
        - Lots of small bug fixes
        - Added add_valid method
        - Added AllOrNone constraint

1.03 2006-01-17 22:00:00
        - Fixed missing files

1.02 2006-01-17 22:00:00
        - Fixed multiple value filter
        - Pod fixes
        - Added new filters. HTMLEscape, HTMLStrip, UpperCase, LowerCase,
          and Callback

1.01 2006-01-11 00:00:00
        - Fixed some typos

1.0  2005-11-30 22:00:00 2005
        - first development release