Revision history for Perl extension Math::Random::MTwist.
0.07 2014-04-01
* Added rd_double().
* Win32 seems to need dTHX in some places in mtwist.c and randistrs.c.
* Changed =head2 to =item in POD to keep TOC on CPAN small.
0.06 2014-03-29
* FIX: MTwist.xs: srand() minimum items is 1 not 0.
0.05 2014-03-29
* Added missing _timeseed().
* Moved savestate() and loadstate() from to MTwist.xs.
0.04 2014-03-28
* Added a function-oriented interface.
* Renamed rds_* to rd_*.
* Added get_seeds_from_av() to fill the seed array for seedfull().
* More tests.
0.03 2014-03-27
* Moved most methods from to MTwist.xs for even more speed.
0.02 2014-03-26
* Initial release
0.01 Unreleased