# Copyright 2022, Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. package Google::Ads::GoogleAds::OAuth2ApplicationsHandler; use strict; use warnings; use version; use base qw(Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuth2BaseHandler Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuthApplicationsHandlerInterface); # The following needs to be on one line because CPAN uses a particularly hacky # eval() to determine module versions. use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants; our $VERSION = ${Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants::VERSION}; use Class::Std::Fast; use HTTP::Request::Common; use URI::Escape; # Class::Std-style attributes. Need to be kept in the same line. # These need to go in the same line for older Perl interpreters to understand. my %client_secret_of : ATTR(:name<client_secret> :default<>); my %access_type_of : ATTR(:name<access_type> :default<offline>); my %prompt_of : ATTR(:name<prompt> :default<consent>); my %refresh_token_of : ATTR(:name<refresh_token> :default<>); my %redirect_uri_of : ATTR(:name<redirect_uri> :default<>); my %additional_scopes_of : ATTR(:name<additional_scopes> :default<>); # Methods from Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::AuthHandlerInterface. sub initialize : CUMULATIVE(BASE FIRST) { my ($self, $api_client, $properties) = @_; my $ident = ident $self; $client_secret_of{$ident} = $properties->{clientSecret} || $client_secret_of{$ident}; $refresh_token_of{$ident} = $properties->{refreshToken} || $refresh_token_of{$ident}; # Below attributes are not in the googleads.properties configuration. $access_type_of{$ident} = $properties->{accessType} || $access_type_of{$ident}; $prompt_of{$ident} = $properties->{approvalPrompt} || $prompt_of{$ident}; $redirect_uri_of{$ident} = $properties->{redirectUri} || $redirect_uri_of{$ident}; $additional_scopes_of{$ident} = $properties->{additionalScopes} || $additional_scopes_of{$ident}; } # Methods from Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuthApplicationsHandlerInterface. sub get_authorization_url { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state ||= ""; my ($client_id, $redirect_uri, $access_type, $prompt) = ( $self->get_client_id(), $self->get_redirect_uri(), $self->get_access_type(), $self->get_prompt()); my $authorization_url = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants::OAUTH2_BASE_URL . "/auth?response_type=code" . "&client_id=" . uri_escape($client_id) . "&redirect_uri=" . $redirect_uri . "&scope=" . $self->__formatted_scopes() . "&access_type=" . $access_type . "&prompt=" . $prompt; $authorization_url .= ("&state=" . uri_escape($state)) if $state; return $authorization_url; } sub issue_access_token { my ($self, $authorization_code) = @_; my $body = "code=" . uri_escape($authorization_code) . "&client_id=" . uri_escape($self->get_client_id()) . "&client_secret=" . uri_escape($self->get_client_secret()) . "&redirect_uri=" . uri_escape($self->get_redirect_uri()) . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; push my @headers, "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new("POST", Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants::OAUTH2_BASE_URL . "/token", \@headers, $body); my $response = $self->get___lwp_agent()->request($request); if (!$response->is_success()) { return $response->decoded_content(); } my $content_hash = $self->__parse_auth_response($response->decoded_content()); $self->set_access_token($content_hash->{access_token}); $self->set_refresh_token($content_hash->{refresh_token}); $self->set_access_token_expires(time + $content_hash->{expires_in}); return undef; } # Methods from Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuth2BaseHandler. sub _refresh_access_token { my $self = shift; if ( !( $self->get_client_id() && $self->get_client_secret() && $self->get_refresh_token())) { return 0; } my $body = "refresh_token=" . uri_escape($self->get_refresh_token()) . "&client_id=" . uri_escape($self->get_client_id()) . "&client_secret=" . uri_escape($self->get_client_secret()) . "&grant_type=refresh_token"; push my @headers, "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; my $request = HTTP::Request->new("POST", Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants::OAUTH2_BASE_URL . "/token", \@headers, $body); my $response = $self->get___lwp_agent()->request($request); if (!$response->is_success()) { my $err_msg = $response->decoded_content(); $self->get_api_client()->get_die_on_faults() ? die($err_msg) : warn($err_msg); return 0; } my $content_hash = $self->__parse_auth_response($response->decoded_content()); $self->set_access_token($content_hash->{access_token}); $self->set_access_token_expires(time + $content_hash->{expires_in}); return 1; } sub _scope { my $self = shift; my @parsed_scopes = (); my $additional_scopes = $self->get_additional_scopes(); if ($additional_scopes) { @parsed_scopes = split(/\s*,\s*/, $additional_scopes); } push @parsed_scopes, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Constants::DEFAULT_OAUTH2_SCOPE; return @parsed_scopes; } # Retrieves the OAuth2 scopes defined in _scope as a list of encoded URLs # separated by pluses. This is the format expected when sending the OAuth2 # request in a URL. sub __formatted_scopes { my $self = shift; my @parsed_scopes = $self->_scope(); # Removes spaces and replaces commas with pluses. Encode the URI. # Don't encode the plus! # Example: # https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords,https:// # www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics # changes to # https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fadwords+https%3A%2F%2F # www.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fanalytics foreach my $single_scope (@parsed_scopes) { $single_scope = uri_escape($single_scope); } return join('+', @parsed_scopes); } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Google::Ads::GoogleAds::OAuth2ApplicationsHandler =head1 DESCRIPTION A concrete implementation of L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuth2BaseHandler> and L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuthApplicationsHandlerInterface> that supports OAuth2 for Web/Desktop applications and defines the scope required to access the Google Ads API server. See L<https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2> for details of the protocol. =head1 ATTRIBUTES Each of these attributes can be set via Google::Ads::GoogleAds::OAuth2ApplicationsHandler->new(). Alternatively, there is a get_ and set_ method associated with each attribute for retrieving or setting them dynamically. =head2 api_client A reference to the API client used to handle the API requests. =head2 client_id OAuth2 client id obtained from the Google APIs console. =head2 client_secret OAuth2 client secret obtained from the Google APIs console. =head2 access_type OAuth2 access type to be requested when following the authorization flow. It defaults to offline but it can be set to online. =head2 prompt OAuth2 prompt to be used when following the authorization flow. It defaults to consent. =head2 redirect_uri Redirect URI to which the authorization flow will callback with the authorization code. If using Web flow, the redirect URI must match exactly what’s configured in GCP for the OAuth client. If using Desktop flow, the redirect must be a localhost URL and is not explicitly set in GCP. The default is =head2 access_token Stores an OAuth2 access token after the authorization flow is followed or for you to manually set it in case you had it previously stored. If this is manually set this handler will verify its validity before preparing a request. =head2 refresh_token Stores an OAuth2 refresh token in case of an offline L</access_type> is requested. It is automatically used by the handler to request new access tokens, i.e. when they are expired or found invalid. =head2 additional_scopes Stores additional OAuth2 scopes as a comma-separated string. These scopes define which services the tokens are allowed to access, e.g. https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics. =head1 METHODS =head2 initialize Initializes the handler with the API client object and the properties such as client_id and client_secret, used for generating authorization requests. =head3 Parameters =over =item * A required I<api_client> with a reference to the API client object handling the requests against the API. =item * A hash reference with the following keys: { clientId => "client-id", clientSecret => "client-secret", accessType => "access-type", approvalPrompt => "approval-prompt", redirectUri => "redirect-uri", accessToken => "access-token", refreshToken => "refresh-token", additionalScopes => "additional-scopes", } Refer to the documentation of the properties as L</client_id>, L</client_secret>, L</access_type>, L</prompt>, L</redirect_uri>, L</access_token>, L</refresh_token> and L</additional_scopes>. =back =head2 prepare_request Refer to L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::AuthHandlerInterface> documentation of this method. =head2 is_auth_enabled Refer to L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::AuthHandlerInterface> documentation of this method. =head2 get_authorization_url Refer to L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuthApplicationsHandlerInterface> documentation of this method. =head2 issue_access_token Refer to L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuthApplicationsHandlerInterface> documentation of this method. =head2 _scope Method defined by L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuth2BaseHandler> and implemented in this class to return the required OAuth2 scopes as an array. =head2 _refresh_access_token Method defined by L<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Common::OAuth2BaseHandler> and implemented in this class to refresh the stored OAuth2 access token. =head2 __formatted_scopes Private method to return the OAuth2 scopes as a list of encoded URLs separated by pluses. This is the format expected when sending the OAuth2 request in a URL. =head3 Returns The encoded URL string of OAuth2 scopes separated by pluses. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2022 Google LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 REPOSITORY INFORMATION $Rev: $ $LastChangedBy: $ $Id: $ =cut