Revision history for Perl extension Password::Check.
0.03 Thu Apr 8 12:57:40 BST 2004
- renamed package to Data::Password::Check, this fits with the similar
module in CPAN Data::Password::BasicCheck
- changes to docs and code to reflect this change
0.02 Fri Apr 2 18:25:13 BST 2004
- added tests to t/ directory
- return value is now checked when calling the _check_XXX() functions, and
used to populate the list of skipped tests where appropriate
- added _skipped_test() function to enable some extra tests
- when checking for sensible lengths, undef is now considered silly
0.01 Thu Apr 1 17:49:15 2004
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX -b 5.6.0 --use-new-tests -n Password::Check