Revision history for Perl extension OpenGL::GLFW.

0.03_01  2017-09-20 13:44:28-04:00
         - Increment reference counts on callbacks
	   to avoid problems when the original CV
	   goes out of scope.

0.03     2017-08-25 12:13:51-04:00
         - First official CPAN release
	 - Clean up perl docs
	 - Add git repo information to META

0.02_02  2017-08-19 14:48:34-04:00
         - Improved documentation of implementation
         - Added implementation to examples
         - This is release candidate for our first
           official release

0.02_01  2017-08-06 12:13:54-04:00
         - First complete coverage of GLFW bindings
         - Add rudimentary pkg-config for build support

0.01     2017-06-14 17:13:17-04:00 
         - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
             -b 5.10.1 -OAfn OpenGL::GLFW
         - edit template h2xs files