Revision history for Perl extension OpenGL::Modern.
0.01_09 2017-02-08 10:00:50-05:00
- Update prerequisite modules in Makefile.PL
0.01_08 2017-02-08 09:46:18-05:00
- Run perltidy on "messy" files
- add helpers needed for microidium (#31)
- deduplicate info log calls in Helpers
- apply system-specific pack semantics to pointer sizes
- prevent generate xs from aborting when generated files don't exist (#28)
- don't put info output on the STDERR channel (#29)
- remove autoloader (#27)
- add perltidy test (optional, purely for informative purposes) (#13)
- Add SKIP for glewCreateContext not returing GLEW_OK
0.01_07 2017-02-06 18:06:40-05:00
- Fix return values from glewCreateContext
- Add conditional skips to tests
0.01_06 2017-02-05 11:22:40-05:00
- Remove MYMETA.* from MANIFEST to clean up distribution files
- fix t/02_glGetShaderInfoLog.t to handle ptrsize=4
- split lists of constants, function names, exports to separate files
(thanks Mithaldu!)
0.01_05 2017-01-31 12:08:46-05:00
- Add missing dependencies to Makefile.PL
- Remove OpenGL as a dependency (we should be standalone)
0.01_04 2017-01-29 18:22:01-05:00
- implement glShaderSource_p and use it in
- this appears to work on Strawberry Perl
0.01_03 2017-01-28 18:29:02-05:00
- fix breakage in linux/freebsd link line
- more release cleanup
- have test fails on Strawberry perl
0.01_02 2017-01-27 10:35:02-05:00
- make glShaderSource bindings use versions
- use T_PTR for typemaps for all pointers except char or strings
- preparation for native perl argument handling
0.01_01 2016-12-18 16:17:31-05:00
- CPAN alpha release
- Cleaned up files to remove unnecessary ones
0.00_01 2016-11-26 14:13:41-05:00
- original version; created from app-shadertoy sources
extracting OpenGL::Glew as OpenGL::Modern