package PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2; # # Created on: Sun 25 Apr 2010 03:09:34 PM # Last saved: Fri 16 Dec 2011 03:19:27 PM # use Moose; use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ]; $PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2::VERSION = 0.008; with 'Devel::REPL::Profile'; sub plugins { qw( CleanErrors Commands Completion CompletionDriver::INC CompletionDriver::Keywords CompletionDriver::LexEnv CompletionDriver::Methods DDS History LexEnv MultiLine::PPI Packages NiceSlice PrintControl ReadLineHistory PDLCommands ); # CompletionDriver::Globals } sub apply_profile { my ($self, $repl) = @_; # check for Term::ReadLine::Stub if ($repl->term->ReadLine =~ /Stub/) { $repl->print("WARNING:\n Term::ReadLine::Stub does not support pdl2 features.\n"); $repl->print(" Please install either Term::ReadLine::Perl or Term::ReadLine::Gnu.\n"); $repl->print(" Falling back to perldl in the meantime...\n"); $repl->print("------------------------------------------\n\n"); exec 'perldl'; } # add PDL::Perldl2 for plugin search push @{$repl->_plugin_app_ns}, 'PDL::Perldl2'; foreach my $plug ($self->plugins) { if ($plug =~ 'CompletionDriver::INC') { eval 'use File::Next'; next if $@; } if ($plug =~ 'CompletionDriver::Keywords') { eval 'use B::Keywords'; next if $@; } $repl->load_plugin($plug); } # these plugins don't work on win32 unless ($^O =~ m/win32/i) { $repl->load_plugin('Interrupt'); } # enable Term::ReadLine file expansion by default $repl->do_readline_filename_completion(1) if $repl->can('do_readline_filename_completion'); # do perldl stuff here $repl->eval('package main'); $repl->eval('use PDL'); $repl->eval('use PDL::Config'); $repl->eval('use PDL::Dbg'); $repl->eval('use PDL::Doc::Perldl'); $repl->eval('use PDL::IO::Dumper'); $repl->eval('use PDL::IO::FlexRaw'); $repl->eval('use PDL::IO::Pic'); $repl->eval('use PDL::Image2D'); $repl->eval('use PDL::AutoLoader'); $repl->eval('no strict qw(vars)'); # declare PERLDL package variables # most are not used but they are here if needed $repl->eval( q[ @PERLDL::AUTO = (); # code string/refs to run after user enters a new line $PERLDL::ESCAPE = '#'; # Default shell escape character $PERLDL::HISTFILESIZE = $ENV{PERLREPL_HISTLEN}; # Number of lines to keep in history $PERLDL::MULTI = 1; # Enable multi-lines by default $PERLDL::NO_EOF = 1; # Enable EOF protection by default $PERLDL::PAGE = 0; $PERLDL::PAGER = ((exists $ENV{PAGER}) ? $ENV{PAGER} : 'more'); $PERLDL::PAGING = 0; $PERLDL::PROMPT = "pdl> "; # string or code reference $PERLDL::PREFIX_RE = qr(^\s*(?:pdl|perldl)>\s*); # RE for shell prompts $PERLDL::TERM = $_REPL->term; ] ); #autoflush STDOUT $repl->eval('$|=1;'); # p command (NOTE: this is not an alias for print) $repl->eval('sub p { local $, = " "; print @_,"\n" };'); # list history command $repl->eval('sub l { my $n = $#_ > -1 ? shift : 20; my @h = $_REPL->term->GetHistory(); my $min = $#h < $n-1 ? 0 : $#h-$n+1; map { printf "%d: %s\n", $_+1, $h[$_] } ($min..$#h); #map {print "$_: $h[$_]\n"} ($min..$#h); };'); # preliminary support for PDL demos $repl->eval( q{ sub demo { local $_ = lc $_[0] ; if(/^$/) { print <<EOD; Use: demo pdl # general demo demo 3d # 3d demo (requires TriD with OpenGL or Mesa) demo 3d2 # 3d demo, part 2. (Somewhat memory-intensive) demo 3dgal # the 3D gallery: make cool images with 3-line scripts demo pgplot # PGPLOT graphics output (Req.: PGPLOT) demo OOplot # PGPLOT OO interface (Req.: PGPLOT) demo gnuplot # Gnuplot graphics (requires PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot) demo prima # Prima graphics (requires PDL::Graphics::Prima) demo transform # Coordinate transformations (Req.: PGPLOT) demo cartography # Cartographic projections (Req.: PGPLOT) demo bad # Bad-value demo (Req.: bad value support) demo bad2 # Bad-values, part 2 (Req.: bad value support and PGPLOT) EOD return; } # if: /^$/ my %demos = ( 'pdl' => 'PDL::Demos::General', # have to protect pdl as it means something '3d' => 'PDL::Demos::TriD1', '3d2' => 'PDL::Demos::TriD2', '3dgal' => 'PDL::Demos::TriDGallery', 'pgplot' => 'PDL::Demos::PGPLOT_demo', 'ooplot' => 'PDL::Demos::PGPLOT_OO_demo', # note: lowercase 'bad' => 'PDL::Demos::BAD_demo', 'bad2' => 'PDL::Demos::BAD2_demo', 'transform' => 'PDL::Demos::Transform_demo', 'cartography' => 'PDL::Demos::Cartography_demo', 'gnuplot' => 'PDL::Demos::Gnuplot_demo', 'prima' => 'PDL::Demos::Prima', ); if ( exists $demos{$_} ) { require PDL::Demos::Screen; # Get the routines for screen demos. my $name = $demos{$_}; eval "require $name;"; # see docs on require for need for eval $name .= "::run"; no strict 'refs'; &{$name}(); } else { print "No such demo!\n"; } } } ); if ($repl->can('do_print')) { $repl->eval('sub do_print { $_REPL->do_print(@_) };'); } if ($repl->can('exit_repl')) { $repl->eval('sub quit { $_REPL->exit_repl(1) };'); } else { $repl->eval('sub quit { $_REPL->print("Use Ctrl-D or exit to quit" };'); } $repl->prompt($PERLDL::PROMPT); # new prompt if ( defined $ENV{TERM} and $ENV{TERM} eq 'dumb' ) { $repl->print("\n"); $repl->print("******************************************\n"); $repl->print("* Warning: TERM type is dumb! *\n"); $repl->print("* Limited ReadLine functionality will be *\n"); $repl->print("* available. Please unset TERM or use a *\n"); $repl->print("* different terminal type. *\n"); $repl->print("******************************************\n"); $repl->print("\n"); } $repl->print("Perldl2 Shell v$PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2::VERSION PDL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the file 'COPYING' in the PDL distribution. This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see the same file for details.\n"); $repl->print("Loaded plugins:\n"); { my @plugins = (); foreach my $pl ( $repl->_plugin_locator->plugins ) { # print names of ones that have been loaded my $plug = $pl; $plug =~ s/^.*Plugin::/ /; push @plugins, $plug if $repl->does($pl); } # Need smarter display of plugins, fill out the line # and list CompletionDrivers under Completion $repl->print(join "\n", sort(@plugins)); $repl->print("\n"); } $repl->print("Type 'help' for online help\n"); $repl->print("Type Ctrl-D or quit to exit\n"); $repl->print("Loaded PDL v$PDL::VERSION\n"); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2 - profile for Perldl2 shell =head1 SYNOPSIS system> --profile=PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2 # unix-ish shell system> re --profile=PDL::Perldl2::Profile::Perldl2 # win32 CMD shell Perldl2 Shell v0.008 PDL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the file 'COPYING' in the PDL distribution. This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see the same file for details. Loaded plugins: CleanErrors Commands Completion CompletionDriver::INC CompletionDriver::Keywords CompletionDriver::LexEnv CompletionDriver::Methods DDS FindVariable History Interrupt LexEnv MultiLine::PPI NiceSlice PDLCommands Packages PrintControl ReadLineHistory Type 'help' for online help Type Ctrl-D or quit to exit Loaded PDL v2.006 pdl> =head1 DESCRIPTION This profile is for development of the new PDL shell (version 2). The preferred method to start the new shell is via the C<pdl2> command. This documentation is provided for C<Devel::REPL> coders that may wish to use this profile directly for their development. =head1 SEE ALSO C<Devel::REPL>, C<Devel::REPL::Profile>, and C<PDL::Perldl>. =head1 AUTHOR Chris Marshall, C<< <chm at cpan dot org> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010 by Christopher Marshall This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut