=head1 NAME

PDL::Interpolate - provide a consistent interface to the interpolation routines available in PDL


 use PDL::Interpolate;

 my $i = new PDL::Interpolate( x => $x, y = $y );
 my $y = $i->interpolate( $xi ); 


This module aims to provide a relatively-uniform interface
to the various interpolation methods available to PDL.
The idea is that a different interpolation scheme
can be used just by changing the C<new> call.

At present, PDL::Interpolate itself just provides
a somewhat-convoluted interface to the C<interpolate>
function of L<PDL::Primitive|PDL::Primitive/interpolate>. 
However, it is expected that derived classes,
such as 
will actually be used in real-world situations.

To use, create a PDL::Interpolate (or a derived class)
object, supplying it with its required attributes.


Currently, the avaliable classes are

=over 4

=item PDL::Interpolate

Provides an interface to the interpolation routines of PDL.
At present this is the linear interpolation routine

=item PDL::Interpolate::Slatec

The SLATEC library contains several approaches to interpolation:
piecewise cubic Hermite functions and B-splines.
At present, only the former method is available.


It should be relatively easy to provide an interface to other
interpolation routines, such as those provided by the
Gnu Scientific Library (GSL).


The attributes (or options) of an object are as follows; 
derived classes may modify this list.

 Attribute  Flag  Description
 x          sgr   x positions of data
 y          sgr   function values at x positions
 bc         g     boundary conditions
 err        g     error flag
 type       g     type of interpolation

A flag of C<s> means that a user can set this attribute 
with the L<new|/new> or L<set|/set> methods,
a flag of C<g> means that the user can obtain the 
value of this attribute using L<get|/get>,
and a flag of C<r> means that the attribute is required
when an object is created (see the L<new|/new> method).

 Attribute  Default value
 bc         "none"
 type       "linear"

If a routine is sent an attribute it does not understand, then
it ignores that attribute, except for L<get|/get>, which
returns C<undef> for that value.

=head1 METHODS

The default methods are described below. However, defined classes
may extend them as they see fit, and add new methods.

Throughout this documentation, C<$x> and C<$y> refer to the function
to be interpolated whilst C<$xi> and C<$yi> are the interpolated values.


The class will thread properly if the routines it calls do so.
See the SYNOPSIS section of L<PDL::Interpolate::Slatec>
(if available) for an example.


package PDL::Interpolate;

use Carp;
use strict;

## Public routines:

=head2 new

=for usage

 $obj = new PDL::Interpolate( x => $x, y => $y );

=for ref

Create a PDL::Interpolate object.

The required L<attributes|/attributes> are 
C<x> and C<y>.
At present the only available interpolation method 
is C<"linear"> - which just uses
L<PDL::Primitive::interpolate|PDL::Primitive::interpolate> - and
there are no options for boundary conditions, which is why
the C<type> and C<bc> attributes can not be changed.


# meaning of types:
#  required  - required, if this attr is changed, we need to re-initialise
#  settable  - can be changed with a new() or set() command
#  gettable  - can be read with a get() command
sub new {
    my $this  = shift;
    my $class = ref($this) || $this;

    # class structure
    my $self = { 
	attributes => {},
	values     => {},
	types      => { required => 0, settable => 0, gettable => 0 },
	flags      => { library => "PDL", status => 1, routine => "none", changed => 1 },

    # make $self into an object
    bless $self, $class;

    # set up default attributes
		      x    => { required => 1, settable => 1, gettable => 1 },
		      y    => { required => 1, settable => 1, gettable => 1 },
		      bc   => { gettable => 1 },
		      err  => { gettable => 1 },
		      type => { gettable => 1 }, 
		       bc   => "none",
		       type => "linear",

    # set variables
    # - expect sub-classes to call this new with no variables, so $#_ == -1
    $self->set( @_ ) if ( @_ );
    # return the object
    return $self;
} # sub: new()


# in _add_attr(), _change_attr() and _add_attr_type()
# we set flags->changed to 1 when something changes. It's
# a bit over the top to do this, as these should only be called when
# creating the object, when the changed flag should be set to 1 anyway

# add attributes to the object and sets value to undef
# supply a hash array, keys == variable name,
# values are a hash array with keys matching
# $self->{values}, which also gives the default value
# for the type
# this can only be used to create an attribute - 
# see _change_attr() to change an already exsiting attribute.
# the fields are set to the default values, then filled in with the supplied values
# any value that is unknown is ignored
sub _add_attr {
    my $self = shift;
    my %attrs = ( @_ );

    foreach my $attr ( keys %attrs ) {
	croak "ERROR: adding an attribute ($attr) which is already known.\n"
	    if defined $self->{attributes}->{$attr};

	# set default values
	foreach my $type ( keys %{$self->{types}} ) {
	    $self->{attributes}->{$attr}->{$type} = $self->{types}->{$type};

	# change the values to those supplied
	foreach my $type ( keys %{$attrs{$attr}} ) {
	    $self->{attributes}->{$attr}->{$type} = $attrs{$attr}->{$type}
		if exists $self->{types}->{$type};
	# set value to undef
	$self->{values}->{$attr} = undef;
    $self->{flags}->{changed} = 1;

} # sub: _add_attr()
# changes attributes of the object
# the given attributes MUST already exist
sub _change_attr {
    my $self = shift;
    my %attrs = ( @_ );

    foreach my $attr ( keys %attrs ) {
	croak "ERROR: changing an attribute ($attr) which is not known.\n"
	    unless defined $self->{attributes}->{$attr};

	# change the values to those supplied
	foreach my $type ( keys %{$attrs{$attr}} ) {
	    if ( exists $self->{types}->{$type} ) {
		$self->{attributes}->{$attr}->{$type} = $attrs{$attr}->{$type};
		$self->{flags}->{changed} = 1;
} # sub: _change_attr()

# adds the given types to the allowed list, and
# updates all attributes to contain the default value
# Useful for sub-classes which add new types
sub _add_attr_type {
    my $self = shift;
    my %types = ( @_ );

    foreach my $type ( keys %types ) {
	croak "ERROR: adding type ($type) that is already known.\n"
	    if exists $self->{types}->{$type};
	$self->{types}->{$type} = $types{$type};

	# loop through each attribute, adding this type
	foreach my $attr ( keys %{$self->{attributes}} ) {
	    $self->{attributes}->{$attr}->{$type} = $types{$type};

	$self->{flags}->{changed} = 1;
} # sub: _add_attr_type()

# if an attribute has changed, check all required attributes
# still exist and re-initialise the object (for PDL::Interpolate
# this is a nop)
sub _check_attr {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->{flags}->{changed};

    my @emsg;
    foreach my $name ( keys %{ $self->{attributes} } ) {
	if( $self->{attributes}->{$name}->{required} ) {
	    push @emsg, $name unless defined($self->{values}->{$name});
    croak "ERROR - the following attributes must be supplied:\n [ @emsg ]\n"
	unless $#emsg == -1;
    $self->{flags}->{routine} = "none";
    $self->{flags}->{status} = 1;
    $self->{flags}->{new} = 0;

} # sub: check_attr()

# method to be over-ridden by sub-classes

# PDL::Interpolate needs no initialisation
sub _initialise {}


# a version of set that ignores the settable flag
# - for use by the class, not by the public
# it still ignores unknown attributes
sub _set_value {
    my $self = shift;
    my %attrs = ( @_ );
    foreach my $attr ( keys %attrs ) {
	if ( exists($self->{values}->{$attr}) ) {
	    $self->{values}->{$attr} = $attrs{$attr};
	    $self->{flags}->{changed} = 1;

} # sub: _set_value()

# a version of get that ignores the gettable flag
# - for use by the class, not by the public
# an unknown attribute returns an undef
sub _get_value {
    my $self = shift;

    my @ret;
    foreach my $name ( @_ ) {
	if ( exists $self->{values}->{$name} ) {
	    push @ret, $self->{values}->{$name};
	} else {
	    push @ret, undef;

    return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];

} # sub: _get_value()


=head2 set

=for usage

 my $nset = $obj->set( x = $newx, $y => $newy );

=for ref

Set attributes for a PDL::Interpolate object.

The return value gives the number of the supplied attributes
which were actually set. 


sub set {
    my $self = shift;
    my %vals = ( @_ );

    my $ctr = 0;
    foreach my $name ( keys %vals ) {
	if ( exists $self->{attributes}->{$name}->{settable} ) {
	    $self->{values}->{$name} = $vals{$name};

    $self->{flags}->{changed} = 1 if $ctr;
    return $ctr;

} # sub: set()


=head2 get

=for usage

 my $x         = $obj->get( x );
 my ( $x, $y ) = $obj->get( qw( x y ) );

=for ref

Get attributes from a PDL::Interpolate object.

Given a list of attribute names, return a list of
their values; in scalar mode return a scalar value.
If the supplied list contains an unknown attribute,
C<get> returns a value of C<undef> for that


sub get {
    my $self = shift;

    my @ret;
    foreach my $name ( @_ ) {
	if ( exists $self->{attributes}->{$name}->{gettable} ) {
	    push @ret, $self->{values}->{$name};
	} else {
	    push @ret, undef;

    return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];

} # sub: get()


=head2 interpolate

=for usage

 my $yi = $obj->interpolate( $xi );

=for ref

Returns the interpolated function at a given set of points.

A status value of -1, as returned by the C<status> method, 
means that some of the C<$xi> points lay outside the 
range of the data. The values for these points
were calculated using linear extrapolation.


sub interpolate {
    my $self = shift;
    my $xi   = shift;

    croak 'Usage: $obj->interpolate( $xi )' . "\n"
	unless defined $xi;

    # check everything is fine

    # get values in one go
    my ( $x, $y ) = $self->_get_value( qw( x y ) );

    my ( $yi, $err ) = PDL::Primitive::interpolate( $xi, $x, $y );

    if ( any $err ) {
	$self->{flags}->{status} = -1;
    } else {
	$self->{flags}->{status} = 1;
    $self->_set_value( err => $err );

    $self->{flags}->{routine} = "interpolate";

    return $yi;

# access to flags - have individual methods for these

=head2 status

=for usage

 my $status = $obj->status;

=for ref

Returns the status of a PDL::Interpolate object

Returns B<1> if everything is okay, B<0> if 
there has been a serious error since the last time
C<status> was called, and B<-1> if there
was a problem which was not serious.
In the latter case, C<$obj-E<gt>get("err")> may
provide more information, depending on the
particular class.


sub status { my $self = shift; return $self->{flags}->{status}; }

=head2 library

=for usage

 my $name = $obj->library;

=for ref

Returns the name of the library used by a PDL::Interpolate object

For PDL::Interpolate, the library name is C<"PDL">.


sub library { my $self = shift; return $self->{flags}->{library}; }

=head2 routine

=for usage

 my $name = $obj->routine;

=for ref

Returns the name of the last routine called by a PDL::Interpolate object.

For PDL::Interpolate, the only routine used is C<"interpolate">.
This will be more useful when calling derived classes,
in particular when trying to decode the values stored in the
C<err> attribute.


sub routine { my $self = shift; return $self->{flags}->{routine}; }

=head2 attributes

=for usage


=for ref

Print out the flags for the attributes of an object. 
Useful in case the documentation is just too opaque!

=for example

 Flags  Attribute
  SGR    x
  SGR    y
  G      err
  G      type
  G      bc                                                                      


# note, can be called with the class, rather than just
# an object
# to allow this, I've used a horrible hack - we actually
# create an object and then print out the attributes from that
# Ugh!
sub attributes { 
    my $self = shift;

    # ugh
    $self = $self->new unless ref($self);

    print "Flags  Attribute\n";
    while ( my ( $attr, $hashref ) = each %{$self->{attributes}} ) {
	my $flag = "";
	$flag .= "S" if $hashref->{settable};
	$flag .= "G" if $hashref->{gettable};
	$flag .= "R" if $hashref->{required};
	printf " %-3s    %s\n", $flag, $attr;


=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2000 Doug Burke (burke@ifa.hawaii.edu).
All rights reserved. There is no warranty. 
You are allowed to redistribute this software / documentation as 
described in the file COPYING in the PDL distribution.                                    

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<PDL>, perltoot(1).


# End with a true