Revision history for Perl extension Scalar::Util::Clone

0.10  Tue Jan  8 12:40:22 2008
    - Win32 Makefile fix (thanks Ron Savage)
    - Perl_share_hek fix: should now work with all 5.8.x perls (thanks Ron Savage, Wolfgang Baron)
    - misc optimizations and cleanups

0.04  Thu Apr 14 18:59:06 2005
    - another portability fix

0.03  Tue Apr 12 21:18:18 2005
    - more portability fixes + fix memory leaks

0.02  Tue Apr 12 20:15:36 2005
    - compatibility/portability fixes + isolate ptr table from perl's implementation

0.01  Sat Apr  2 19:13:13 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -nScalar::Util::Clone