Revision history for Perl extension autobox-0.04.
0.05 Mon Aug 11 03:13:04 2003
- update: no change to the patch
- Cleaned up implementation of isa() and can()
- Added support for VERSION() (untested)
0.04 Sun Aug 10 14:57:18 2003
- This version provides a new patch which ensures
that undef values aren't autoboxed. It should
be applied to a clean perl-5.8.1-RC4 tree
- fixed (i.e. prevented) autoboxing of undef in isa() and can()
- fixed Makemaker.PL and META.yml to ensure that new
installs of aren't shadowed by old
versions (thanks Michael G Schwern)
0.03 Sun Aug 10 03:17:16 2003
- added support for can() and isa()
- documented print { hashref_expression() }
0.02 Wed Aug 6 16:49:45 2003
- the patch is now a single file
- instructions for applying the patch added to README
- documentation fixlets for the patch and module
0.01 Mon Aug 4 01:00:18 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-n autobox-0.01