Revision history for Number::MuPhone
1.01 2031-08-17 (dev release)
Minor cleanup, extra documentation, and typo removal
1.0 2021-08-15 (dev release)
Complete rebuild from scratch, with slightly different syntax to older version
0.07_003 2018-04-02
forgot to rebuild manifest (tests fail)
0.07_002 2018-03-28
Dev upload, work in progress
0.07 2017-08-14
Added more informative error messages for bad country codes
0.06 2017-07-17
Accidentally pushed file I was working on in previous release
(still learning CPAN best practices :D)
0.05 2017-07-14
fixed NANP "international" dial/display
0.04 2017-07-13
Cleaned up strictures
0.03 2017-07-12
Fixed error caused by $ENV{HOME} not existing
0.02 2017-07-10
Screwed up initial upload. Deleted from PAUSE and reuploaded with new
version number to be on safe side
0.01 2017-07-07
Initial stab - just to get the damn thing out there...