Revision history for Syntax-Construct

0.14    2015-01-29

        - while (readdir) added.

0.13    2014-09-16

        - perldelta moved to perl5200delta

0.12    2014-08-25

        - license name fixed

0.11    2014-08-25

        - No PAX headers in the tar file.

0.10    2014-08-16

        - Link to github repo.

0.09    2014-08-16

        - Perl 5.20 supported.
        - Links simplified to work both in and

0.08    2014-05-02

        - Fixing links.

0.07    2014-04-29

        - Documenting 5.14.
        - Some links are still wrong.

0.06    2014-04-28

        - Documenting 5.10.

0.05    2014-04-23

        - Documenting 5.12.

0.04    2014-04-23

        - Links to perldelta for 5.18.	

0.03    2014-01-18

        - Removed %vd from sprintf, no v-strings.
        - Completness test added.

0.02    2014-01-17

        - Fixed synopsis, more constructs.

0.01    2013-12-23

        - First version, published for comments.