Revision history for Perl extension PAB3.

version 3.1.1
    - bugfix: internal output buffer in PAB3::Utils::strftime was calulated
      to small, that the result string may be cut
    - fixed return values in several functions at PAB3::DB::Max
    - fixed broken statement error handling in PAB3::DB
    - fixed broken parameter binding in PAB3::DB::Driver::Prosgres::execute()
    - fixed broke statement names in module PAB3::DB::Driver::Prosgres
    - fixed misplaced code in prepare() and execute() functions in
    - fixed PAB3::DB::Driver::Sqlite3::execute() method which returns an
      error on second and further calls

version 3.1.0
    - template parser rewritten in XS and C
    - predefined loop "FOR" has been removed
    - now loops can be written directly in the template without loosing the
      control over hashmaps
    - functions PAB3::make_script and PAB3::run_script are deprecated and has
      been removed
    - PAB3::HashMapCache has been renamed into PAB3::HashmapCache
    - support for aliases in locale settings